Hand of the day #102

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

I have seen my fair share of bridge problems during a long and misspent life. As a result I can generally work out the right approach to a declarer-play problem. So on today’s deal I followed what I considered to be the normal bridge-player’s approach. If you want to enjoy the problem fully, cover up the East-West cards. 

Opening Lead: J

Declaring four hearts, I won the opening diamond lead in hand and cashed the heart ace. All followed, so I cashed the second top heart and discovered West had the heart length. I took dummy’s top diamond, ruffed a diamond, then exited with a heart. West won and played back a spade. Dummy’s queen won, but when I took the club finesse, it lost. Now I was forced to guess spades to make the game. Unfortunately, I got it wrong.

My inquisitor smugly remarked that I was not the first person to go down on the deal. Can you see my mistake?

After the second top heart, I should have led a spade to dummy’s queen. Then I take the diamond ace, ruff a diamond, and play a second spade. Let’s say I misguess and put the 10 in. East wins and shifts to a low club to the eight, 10 and king. Now I play a third spade, and West is in with his ace. He can cash a heart, but must now lead from his club queen into my ace-jack.

Bid with the Aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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