The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff
Sometimes it seems as if experts use magic to locate the missing cards, but there are often clear clues in the early play.
Opening Lead: ♦8
Incidentally, you may care to note North’s decision, with his poor hearts and strong side suits, to use Stayman rather than transfer, and only play in hearts if there was a 5-4 fit. All routes led South to three no-trump today, though.
West did well with his opening lead, choosing a passive diamond. Declarer won in hand and played a spade to dummy’s queen. When that held, he played a spade back to his ace and a third spade, knowing that West would have to win any spade trick and could not attack hearts.
West won his spade jack, cashed his spade winner (East pitching a heart, then a diamond), and continued with another diamond. Declarer won in hand and paused to consider. If clubs broke 3-3, there was no problem, but if not, he had to decide who held the heart ace. If it was East, then declarer must cross to dummy in clubs and lead a heart before setting up too many winners for the defense. If it was West, then an alternative line would be needed.
West’s decision to defend passively argued for his having a good hand — and thus knowing his partner was weak. Accordingly, declarer cashed all his minor-suit winners, ending in hand, then got out with a club. West could cash the club jack, but at trick 12 had to lead from his heart ace around to declarer’s king.
Bid with the Aces
Answer: 4♦
The jump to four clubs is a slam-try and a splinter. It shows a shortage of clubs and a raise of hearts, suggesting an extremely strong hand. While some of your club values might be wasted, you seem to have enough to cue-bid four diamonds, since that effort is below the level of game.
This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.
The bid is correct but there is something strange here. West open so he should have at least 11-12pp then after the double East bid 1d so at least he should have 7-8pp so considering that south has 11 points how is it possible that North can bid for a slam??