Hand of the day #90

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

I rarely report deals that have no technical merit, but today’s deal, from the Detroit Nationals, is an exception that you might find amusing. It centers on a psychic bid, a deliberate attempt to misstate high cards and distribution. It is a perfectly legitimate tactic so long as your partner has no reason to be able to work it out better than the opponents.

Opening Lead: A

East and West are top experts who lost the finals of the Trials to play in the World Championships. South, a writer whose sense of humor sometimes gets the better of him, was playing in a very occasional partnership.

South claimed that when he looked at the opponents’ convention card, he noted that they were not playing penalty doubles of 1NT. So, in third seat, he experimented with opening a strong no-trump, and the auction ended in 3NT. (4 would have been the best spot for East-West.)

West led the A and naturally shifted to the K. South (who has an outsize and somewhat inappropriate sense of humor) said afterwards that he wished he had had enough nerve to duck, just to irritate his opponents even more. But at the table, he was unable to find a reason to do anything but win the heart ace and cash eight more tricks in clubs. Plus 400 was enough to keep him happy for the rest of the evening — maybe the rest of the tournament.

Bid with the Aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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2 comments on “Hand of the day #90”

  1. I always enjoy seeing these hands. THANK Y I am a
    little above avg player
    altho playing for 30 years.
    A really intriguing game.

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