Hand of the day #82

The Aces On Bridge by Bobby Wolff

Today’s deal is from Eddie Kantar’s “Take Your Tricks,” a series of helpful tips supported by deals that show you how to implement the advice he has given you.

Before you read today’s tip, consider the contract of four spades on a trump lead. Then read Kantar’s advice to see if you spotted declarer’s potential problem.

Opening Lead: ♠2

Kantar says, paraphrasing Gertrude Stein: a finesse is a finesse is a finesse, but not when there is a shortage of entries. With three red-suit losers staring at you, you must work with those clubs. Don’t finesse! If the finesse loses and a trump is returned, the clubs are blocked with no way to untangle them. You will be left with a club loser and three inevitable red-suit losers, while dummy’s club winner withers on the vine.

Once you see the problem, your urge to finesse will vanish. Simply play the ♣A and a second club at once, unblocking the clubs and establishing your 10th trick in clubs with the ♠K as your entry.

If the club finesse is right and the clubs are 6-2, so that the defenders ruff away your second club winner, then please ask for a refund … but do not hold your breath!

Incidentally, on an initial heart lead, win and lead a LOW club from hand. When you win the return, unblock the clubs and cash both spades; then try to take the third club winner.

Bid with the Aces

This Hand of the Day was originally published on aces.bridgeblogging.com.

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