Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #16

This conundrum was written by Patrick O'Connor and was originally published in the book, Demystifying Defense - you can find out all about it further down the page.

We are East. Our hand is:

South opens 1NT, partner passes and North raises to 3NT. All pass, partner leads the ♣5 and dummy comes down.

Lead: ♣5

Let’s look at the high-card points (HCP) around the table. Declarer has 15-17 for the 1NT, dummy has 11, so between them there are 26-28 HCP.

We have 8 HCP so how many does that leave for partner?

What suit would we like partner to switch to?

How can we get partner to switch to a heart? Should we encourage with the 10?

Which card should we play now?

We have to discard again. Which card should we play?

About the book

O’Connor addresses the hardest aspect of cardplay: defense. After carefully explaining the basic concepts, he takes the reader through forty problems, using an ‘over the shoulder’ style, and explaining every play as it is made. Beginners typically have more trouble with defense than any other part of the game, and this book will go a long way towards removing their unease.

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