Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #15

This conundrum was written by Barbara Seagram and David Bird and was originally published in Defensive Play at Bridge, A Quizbook - you can find out all about the book further down the page.

Defending Suit Contracts In Second Seat - Problem 53 of Defensive Play at Bridge, a Quizbook

First of all, look just at the West hand. Which opening lead will you choose?
It is unattractive to lead a heart or a club, from a suit that is headed by one or more non-touching honors. The choice is between a trump and the ‘broken sequence’ in diamonds. We would choose the K. Partner follows with the 2 and declarer plays the 4.
How will you continue the defense?

Point to remember
When you lead a high card that may win the trick, partner will try to assist your defense by giving you an attitude signal.


About the book

This book gives near-beginners a chance to practice the principles on which sound defensive play is based, from the opening lead on. This is not just a series of problem hands, however.  Each section contains a brief introduction of its topic, and the ideas are reinforced with carefully explained solutions and helpful tips throughout. Bridge teachers and students will find this book invaluable.

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