Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #14

This conundrum was written by Danny Roth and was originally published in the book, Combining your chances - you can find out all about it further down the page.

Quiz 1 - Better Declarer Play - Combining Your Chances

West leads the ♥️5, East playing the ♥️J. Plan the play.

What do you do?

About the book

This book covers topics that, once mastered, will bring any intermediate player an immediate improvement in their scores. Topics include: to finesse or play for the drop (why not both?), loser-on-loser plays, entries, disposing of losers, and much more. The overall theme is, 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket -- instead, choose a line of play that gives you more than one chance of success.' As always, the author's clear exposition of his points is followed by a large collection of problems where the reader can test his understanding of this new-found knowledge.

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