Hand of the day #56

Bobby Wolff answers your questions

Say you open 1NT, the next player bids 2♠ and partner doubles for take-out. What does two no-trump mean by you now? My partner and I disagree on this one.
Simple Soul, Jackson, Tenn.

What would you say is the minimum for a take-out double of a one-level opening?
Up to Snuff, Willoughby, Ohio

You hold:

4 at love all, you hear your right-hand opponent open three clubs. That swings around to partner, who doubles. What say you?
Positive Thinking, Selma, Ala.

My partner opened one diamond in third seat at love all and the next player bid two clubs. I said two hearts and that ended the auction. Partner put down:

I went down three tricks. Is that a normal third-seat opening in your view?

What is the correct way to respond when there is a noticeable hesitation by an opponent in the auction?
Until Proven Guilty, Trenton, N.J.

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One comment on “Hand of the day #56”

  1. My partner and I were trying to see if there's a reasonable way to plan the play to make a 6C contract by North, with the Heart Queen led by East. The auction had no interference by East/West (West dealt, no vul.). What's the best way to maximize our chances of this making, assuming that clubs aren't split 5-0? Or is there a guaranteed play for this slam to make?
    S: AK76
    H: 5
    D: Q62
    C: KJ862
    South (dummy)
    S: J93
    H: AK9873
    D: A
    C: AQT

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