Hand of the day #49

Bobby Wolff answers your questions

I picked up:

With everyone vulnerable. I passed in second seat and LHO opened one no-trump, strong. Partner overcalled two clubs for the majors. What should my bids mean now, and what would you do?
Game On, Rockford, Ill.

An opponent of mine recently questioned how I was able to make a play that led to his defeat, but he did it in an aggressive tone at the end of the hand. Is this acceptable behavior?
Sour Grapes, Salinas, Calif.

How should we play a double of a strong no-trump opening? I have seen various good partnerships doing different things. Is there a consensus amongst top players?
On the Pulse, Twin Falls, Idaho

Early on in the last set of a long teams match, I misguessed the trump queen to go down in a vulnerable game, and partner followed up by doubling their partscore into game on the next hand, apparently as a result of our result on the previous hand, or so he says. Is this really the right way to play the game?
Compound Squeeze, Mitchell, S.D.

What would you bid with this hand:

First-in with everyone vulnerable? I opened two clubs and we got too high.
One Card, Bristol, Va.

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