Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #10

This conundrum was written by Barbara Seagram and David Bird and was originally published in Declarer Play at Bridge, A Quizbook - you can find out all about the book further down the page.

Problem 14 from Declarer Play - A Quizbook

8♣️ led

You bid boldly to a small slam in spades and West leads the ♠️8. How do you plan the contract? 

You have no losers in spades and one in hearts. In diamonds, the ♦️7 and ♦️2 are potential losers. Your rock-solid ♣️AK means that you have no club losers.

This is the loser summary:
Losers: ♠️0 ♥️1 ♦️2 ♣️0    Total: 3

You have three potential losers and must reduce it to just one. There is no realistic chance of avoiding a heart loser but perhaps you can avoid the two diamond losers. Do you see how this might be done?

By good fortune dummy holds only two diamonds. This gives you the possibility of ruffing your two diamond losers. What's your plan? 

About the book

This book gives near-beginners a chance to practice the principles on which sound declarer play is based: count your winners, count your losers, make a plan. This is not just a series of problem hands, however.  Each section contains a brief introduction of its topic, and the ideas are reinforced with carefully explained solutions and helpful tips throughout. Bridge teachers and students will find this book invaluable.

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