Hand of the day #35

Bobby Wolff answers your questions

I play a Landy two-club overcall of one no-trump in my regular partnership. If the next player doubles this bid, showing points, what do advancer’s calls mean?
Major Malfunction, Casper, Wyo.

You hold:

Everyone vulnerable, and hear partner open one diamond. The next player jumps to four spades, passed back to partner who doubles. What say you?
Trump Trick, Huntington, W.Va.

What is the proper alerting procedure in a competitive game?
Public Announcement, Anchorage, Alaska

I know it is a good tactic to interfere in the opponents’ auction when they open a strong two clubs, but how far should I take this?
ODR, Worcester, Mass.

I have seen mention of ‘odd-even discards’ on some of my opponents’ convention cards, but I still do not understand what they are. Could you enlighten me?
Italian Style, Great Falls, Mont.

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