Hand of the day #28

Bobby Wolff answers your questions

What is the best way to handle the suit combination of king-10-nine-sixth facing a small doubleton?
With the Odds, Albany, Ga.

I picked up:

With everyone vulnerable. LHO opened one spade, RHO responded one no-trump and I doubled for take-out. Partner bid two hearts. I raised to three and we went one down when partner had very little. Did I do too much?
Same Story, San Francisco, Calif.

I have noticed that some pairs lead the ace from ace-king sequences against suit contracts, but I have always led the king. Am I behind the times?
Clarity, Twin Falls, Idaho

When is it right to ignore a four-card major in response to a no-trump opening?
Choice of Games, Dover, Del.

I held:

At game all. My left-hand opponent opened one diamond, partner overcalled one no-trump and the next player jumped to three spades. What should I have done?
Guessing Game, Phoenix, Ariz.

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