Hand of the day #14

Bobby Wolff answers your questions

You hold:

With everyone vulnerable. Partner passes and your right-hand opponent opens one spade, passed around to partner who re-opens with a double. What say you?
Outgunned, San Antonio, Texas

How should I bid a 6-4 majors hand in response to a strong no-trump opening?
Suit Quality, Huntington, W.Va.

Is it mandatory to cue-bid controls in slam-going auctions at the four-level?
Contextual, Newark, N.J.

What is the range for a two-level overcall?
Modernist, Holland, Mich.

I didn't know what to do with:

Third-in at favorable vulnerability, I chose to open one spade. LHO overcalled two clubs, passed around to me. I decided on two hearts and the next hand bid three clubs, again passed to me. What now?
Come Alive, Great Falls, Mont.

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