Bobby Wolff answers your questions
You hold:
With everyone vulnerable. Partner passes and your right-hand opponent opens one spade, passed around to partner who re-opens with a double. What say you?
Outgunned, San Antonio, Texas
Answer: Jump to 3♥
Partner is a passed hand, so the opponents have the balance of power. Still, that does not mean we cannot make a game. Assuming we have a nine-card heart fit, we could easily make 10 tricks on a good mesh if, as suggested, partner holds little wastage in spades. I would jump to three hearts.
How should I bid a 6-4 majors hand in response to a strong no-trump opening?
Suit Quality, Huntington, W.Va.
Answer: If the hand is very weak, as in only strong enough to play partscore, I would transfer to the six-card major and leave it be. If I have grander intentions, I would bid Stayman unless my six-card major is internally strong such that we will not require ruffs to set it up, or my four-card major is very weak.
Is it mandatory to cue-bid controls in slam-going auctions at the four-level?
Contextual, Newark, N.J.
Answer: I think this depends on the situation. If you have already limited your hand and partner is still interested in slam, you should tend to show whatever controls you have. There, skipping a cue-bid would deny a control. However, if you have not had the opportunity to show your strength and you have a total minimum, it may be permissible to sign off rather than show extra interest with a cue-bid.
What is the range for a two-level overcall?
Modernist, Holland, Mich.
Answer: Back in the day, people thought you needed an opening hand to justify a two-level overcall of a one-level opening, but that is too restrictive. Accurate competitive bidding compels you to enter the auction with a good six-card suit, and many such hands are inappropriate for a pre-emptive jump. I would put the range at something like 8-16, but you need a good suit or a lot of shape to bid in the lower reaches. Of course, the range is tighter when you are vulnerable. Note that a two-level overcall of a weak two opening does show opening values.
I didn't know what to do with:
Third-in at favorable vulnerability, I chose to open one spade. LHO overcalled two clubs, passed around to me. I decided on two hearts and the next hand bid three clubs, again passed to me. What now?
Come Alive, Great Falls, Mont.
Answer: I agree with one spade. I can hardly pass with 6-5 shape in third position, and the colors justify a light opening. I would also bid two hearts when the bidding came back to me as we could have a big fit. However, I would let the bidding die over three clubs. Two hearts already shows a shapely hand as I would double if I had short clubs and a proper opening with tolerance for diamonds. That is enough for me!