Ben & Friends - Mother's Day Individual

During our Mother's Day Bridge Tournament, on May 12, we invite you to try our experimental AI bridge engine, which is known as ‘Ben’ (Bridge ENgine).

In this festival, we'll offer you a preview of the latest improvements to BBO's Ben: Enjoy human-like leads; more disciplined bidding (eg Blackwood responses) & several bugfixes related to competitive bidding. Try it out and let us know what you think.

Game Format

  • 8 boards, Matchpoints
  • Free entry, open to all players
  • 24 hours to complete your hands
  • Uses the latest model of "Ben", an experimental AI bridge engine trained on human hands from BBO.
  • Ben plays a variation of 2/1, closely related to the usual GIB system.

Join the adventure and explore our latest experimental AI bridge engine variation. Get an insight into AI Bridge development and play against Ben, an AI bridge player trained on 100 million deals played by people in our ACBL sanctioned games on BBO. Click here to read about Ben on BBO.

Joining the Ben & Friends Robot Individual

  • On May 12, go to Competitive, then Free Tournaments, and look for Ben & Friends to sign up. You do not need a partner to register.
  • Everyone welcome. Free entry.
7 comments on “Ben & Friends - Mother's Day Individual”

  1. If gerber is just for aces you need to improve it as I was in 7 spades partner opened 1NT I held KQJXX K JX KQXXX
    I BID gerber 4C his response was 4D 0-4 so I bid 7 spades expecting to claim and partner only had 3 aces ??? so I appreciate all your efforts perhaps you could correct this one before others do the same thing on the same hand.

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