Hand of the day #7

Bobby Wolff answers your questions

You hold:

Partner opens three clubs, no one vulnerable. What would you bid?
Pre-empted, Calgary, Alberta

Partner opens one heart, you raise to two hearts, the next hand bids two spades and partner jumps to four clubs. How would you interpret this bid?
High Level, Little Rock, Ark.

What would you open with :

Gold Mine, Casper, Wyo.

We play non-forcing advances to an overcall. With this in mind, what should a jump to a new suit be on an auction such as: one diamond on your left, two clubs from partner, pass on your right, three spades from you?
As Nature Intended, Seneca, S.D.

Is it acceptable to look at the opponents’ cards if they are holding their cards in your line of vision?
Ostrich Neck, Sioux Falls, S.D.

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