Test Your Bridge Skills #48

This quiz was written by Oren Lidor.

Hand 1

What will you bid as South?

Hand 2

What will you bid as South?

Hand 3

Against 2NT, you led the 6 (to your partner's suit). Dummy played low, partner followed with the J, and the declarer won with the A and played the ♣Q, which your partner won with the ♣K. Partner continued with the 6, and you won with the K (declarer followed with the 3). What will you do next?

Hand 4

You play 4 and West leads the ♣K. How will you play?

About the Author

Oren Lidor is considered one of the best bridge teachers in Israel, is the author of 5 bridge books, and teaches bridge to people from all over the world on BBO.

5 comments on “Test Your Bridge Skills #48”

  1. "A better defense by East would be to hold up the ♣K, blocking the Club suit." No, declarer plays a heart next and makes.

    1. The club suit is blocked if you win or duck. If declarer has two entries to hand, you can't defeat her.

    1. Ah, there was a mix-up with the cards between South and East, but it's corrected now. Thanks for spotting that! 🙂

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