Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #5

This conundrum was written by Jeff Bayone and was originally published in the book, A Taste of Bridge - you can find out all about it further down the page.

Hand 3 from ‘A Taste of Bridge (beginner)’

South has an absolutely flat, four-triple-three hand with 16 HCP so she opens 1NT. North has a 5-4-3-1 shape: not a notrump shape. But that singleton happens to be an ace, which she hopes will balance out the obvious flaw in her distribution. Anyway, as responder, she’s not restricted as much by shape as opener. So with 11 HCP and 1 LP, she should raise directly to 3NT since 26+ plus points are assured. She must not invite with 2NT, as that bid would show exactly 9 points and express doubt about the right contract.

West leads the ♣️3, and the dummy comes down.
What is West leading from?

About the Book

A whole new approach to the world’s most popular card game, developed and tested with thousands of students at North America’s largest bridge school. With the six easy lessons in this book, you’ll get a taste of bridge, and be able to start playing with your friends. And who knows, maybe you’ll develop a taste for bridge!

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