Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #3

This conundrum was written by Paul Thurston and was originally published in Bridge at the Breakfast Table - you can find out all about the book further down the page.

Dec 20, 2003 Problem from ‘Bridge at the Breakfast Table’

After South’s weak two-bid in spades, North’s response asked about the presence of any high-card feature, South admitted to something of value in hearts and North carried on to game. Sensibly, you lead the ♦️K and your partner plays the ten and, not unexpectedly, you win the trick? What next?

About the Book

Many Canadians do indeed get their daily dose of bridge ‘at the breakfast table’ — by reading Paul thurston’s daily column in the National Post, one of only two newspapers in circulation throughout the whole of Canada. This book is a collection of some of his best and most interesting articles — tips, oddities, and just plain interesting deals and stories.

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15 comments on “Bookworm Bridge Conundrums #3”

  1. many problems here. First it was never stated what attitude and count.

    low is even and high is odd in UDCA. so 10 is odd count in that case.

    2nd of course attitude is important.

    I need to know if declarer has the A, could very well duck the first trick with Axx trying to 1, kill communication or hope I continue with the Q.

    There's a huge risk in playing clubs where you can pitch all the loser diamonds on the clubs. The 2s bidder is more likely short in clubs than partner.

    Not sure I like the problem at all.

    Makes too many assumptions and doesn't properly describe the carding agreements

    1. Given that the auction indicates the ace of hearts is in South , partner hold the A of dia likely , so we shld let partner to know whether we gonna get another D or not ,, so giving the count is the best signal here. in the other hand which u consider that declarer could have short clubs and both red Aces ( not likely for sure) south could easily get the A of dia enter dummy with club and pitch dia losers ..

    1. The club ruff needs West to have either two trump winners or a winner in each of clubs and trumps. The person who knows if that's true or not is West, not East. The person who knows the most about whether more diamonds will cash or not is again West (since East can signal count to West, but not vice-versa).

      Why should East take the decision on themselves instead of leaving it up to the person with all the information?

  2. I assume that the bids for E and W are actully supposed to be N and S? Otherwise, the quiz makes no sense

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