Stardust Week - Win Gold and Black Masterpoints®

Dates: Monday April 22 to Sunday April 28

Great news, Stardust Week's nearly here and with it, your chance to win gold whilst playing in your usual Virtual Club games on BBO. There's no need to register. Just turn up and play.

What’s Special about Stardust Week?

The Masterpoints® earned in Virtual Club games will be 1/4 gold, 3/4 black!

How does Stardust Week work?

  • Any Virtual Club game that starts between 12:01 a.m. on Monday, April 22, and 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, April 28, will automatically be included in the event
  • All games pay regular club Masterpoints®, and the points awarded will be 1/4 gold, 3/4 black
  • You don't need to do anything special to participate; Virtual Club play is automatically included
  • There will be no overalls or combining of scores. It’s your regular club game with new, temporary conditions.

Finding Stardust Week games

From the main menu in BBO click on VIRTUAL CLUBS => ACBL North America and write the name of your club in the search box.

You’ll only be able to play if your club has set up a Virtual Club on BBO. If your club hasn’t set one up yet get in touch with your club manager and ask them to fill out this form.

Hope you'll be able to play and win gold! Good luck!

9 comments on “Stardust Week - Win Gold and Black Masterpoints®”

  1. In order for local clubs to show up, you need to add them to your favorites list individually.

  2. Covid will be here the rest of your life, are you going to stay in the rest of your life? To me, that is no life, you do your due diligence, mask, sanitize, social distance, and get on with your life, if bridge stays online, it will be gone for good, once the people who are 60 and older are gone, you need the clubs to make sure people learn the game, kids will not learn it online, there are way too many choices for that time.

  3. Because COVID has not gone away, and because COVID is still killing people (even those who have been vaccinated), online Bridge should be here to stay, and F2F Bridge remains risky for a lot of us. BBO and the ACBL should be working to serve the best interests (health and safety) of the Bridge-playing community, and not in trying to force us back to the table.

  4. Yet another event to draw players away from face-to-face play at clubs, some of which are struggling with their very existence.

  5. Every time I go to Virtual Clubs, there is nothing listed. I can only find Virtual Club tournaments in All Tournaments. Why is that?

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