BBO Royals & Masters Celebration 2023

As 2023 comes to an end, we invite our BBO Royals (players who managed to achieve the ranks A, K, Q, J) and BBO Masters (players holding the ranks 10, 11, 12  etc.) to play in two special tournaments on Thursday, December 28.

Celebrate being an elite BBO player, and play in these two free tournaments:

  1. BBO Royals & Masters Daylong tournament, awarding BBO Points and BB$ prizes for the top 50 players.
  2. Year-End Royals & Masters Tournament – a free, fun, individual tournament, awarding BBO points and BB$ prizes for the top 10 players.

Thursday, December 28 all day for the Royals & Masters Daylong, and
Thursday, December 28 at 3PM US Eastern Time (9PM Central European Time) for the Year-End Royals & Masters Tournament.

Click COMPETITIVE, then Free Tournaments and look for “Royals & Masters”. You will find two events: a daylong, and a human individual tournament, both hosted by BBO. You don't need a partner to join either of these.

Who can play?
BBO Royal and Masters (players holding the ranks 10, 11, … J, Q, K, Ace).

Happy Holidays, everyone! See you on Thursday, December 28 for the last Royal & Masters events of 2023.

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