Top 20 ACBL 0-1500 Pairs

Congratulations to everyone who topped the high score leaderboard this year for ACBL 0-1500 Pairs! Click here to see top players of the year for other BBO games.

DateUsernamesNames in profilesHigh ScoreTables
2023-09-28Jasbeer+makhijaj5jasbeer makhija+violet77.9129
2023-04-25bdgewizbob+edoharaBob Carver+Ellen O'Hara77.4143
2023-02-12arunodoysa+Jinna06Arunodoy Saha+Hasin Fahad Jinna77.3543
2023-10-20TarponCove+marilynesBarbara N+ Marilyn76.9548
2023-09-14RD350LC+BeestroD Caswell+Mark76.9441
2023-05-12KONG888+lgronichMichael Zelichov+Lindsay Gronich76.6845
2023-03-25j_ree+absolut0julia+ Joe76.3936
2023-11-26jneum+billhohoJeff Neuman+Bill Hohauser76.1620
2023-10-18pellsroad+Icedam2020ELLEN S.+Ronald Klein, Silver LM76.0837
2023-01-24mpickett+old HartsMark Pickett+Dean Hartwell76.0726
2023-06-01ericsacct+m2kwiatEric+Michael Kwiatkowski75.9119
2023-10-15tnichols51+3NTTonyTom Nichols+Tony Liming75.8931
2023-02-24RD350LC+BeestroD Caswell+Mark75.8445
2023-07-12edmonton55+ken44Phil+ Ken Barter, Edmonton75.8236
2023-04-18jacquesth+sdschock55Jacques Theoret+Sandra Schock75.7922
2023-05-22psorensen+intercardPeter Sorensen+Jenny Caulfield IE75.6747
2023-05-08bobmcc+Balu123Bob McCurdy+elm75.6651
2023-10-14Oraclems+garycorTony Marshall, Seattle+Gary Corbett75.0926
2023-03-26parti81+2dollarbilPaul Tick+Rev. William Tyler7520

ACBL 0-1500 Pairs are available every two hours from 10.30 AM until 8:30 PM US Eastern Time. You must have an ACBL number on file with BBO to register. If you need to update your ACBL number, you can do so by clicking here.

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