Robert Brady Wins the Spring 2025 NABC Robot Individual
The ACBL Spring 2025 NABC Robot Individual has come to an end, with 2088 players...
Congratulations to everyone who topped the high score leaderboard this year for ACBL 0-1500 Pairs! Click here to see top players of the year for other BBO games.
Date | Usernames | Names in profiles | High Score | Tables |
2023-09-28 | Jasbeer+makhijaj5 | jasbeer makhija+violet | 77.91 | 29 |
2023-04-25 | bdgewizbob+edohara | Bob Carver+Ellen O'Hara | 77.41 | 43 |
2023-02-12 | arunodoysa+Jinna06 | Arunodoy Saha+Hasin Fahad Jinna | 77.35 | 43 |
2023-10-20 | TarponCove+marilynes | Barbara N+ Marilyn | 76.95 | 48 |
2023-09-14 | RD350LC+Beestro | D Caswell+Mark | 76.94 | 41 |
2023-05-12 | KONG888+lgronich | Michael Zelichov+Lindsay Gronich | 76.68 | 45 |
2023-03-25 | j_ree+absolut0 | julia+ Joe | 76.39 | 36 |
2023-11-26 | jneum+billhoho | Jeff Neuman+Bill Hohauser | 76.16 | 20 |
2023-10-18 | pellsroad+Icedam2020 | ELLEN S.+Ronald Klein, Silver LM | 76.08 | 37 |
2023-01-24 | mpickett+old Harts | Mark Pickett+Dean Hartwell | 76.07 | 26 |
2023-09-11 | yvesc879+denis62 | Yves+Denis | 76.02 | 20 |
2023-06-01 | ericsacct+m2kwiat | Eric+Michael Kwiatkowski | 75.91 | 19 |
2023-10-15 | tnichols51+3NTTony | Tom Nichols+Tony Liming | 75.89 | 31 |
2023-02-24 | RD350LC+Beestro | D Caswell+Mark | 75.84 | 45 |
2023-07-12 | edmonton55+ken44 | Phil+ Ken Barter, Edmonton | 75.82 | 36 |
2023-04-18 | jacquesth+sdschock55 | Jacques Theoret+Sandra Schock | 75.79 | 22 |
2023-05-22 | psorensen+intercard | Peter Sorensen+Jenny Caulfield IE | 75.67 | 47 |
2023-05-08 | bobmcc+Balu123 | Bob McCurdy+elm | 75.66 | 51 |
2023-10-14 | Oraclems+garycor | Tony Marshall, Seattle+Gary Corbett | 75.09 | 26 |
2023-03-26 | parti81+2dollarbil | Paul Tick+Rev. William Tyler | 75 | 20 |
ACBL 0-1500 Pairs are available every two hours from 10.30 AM until 8:30 PM US Eastern Time. You must have an ACBL number on file with BBO to register. If you need to update your ACBL number, you can do so by clicking here.