Top 20 ACBL 0-499 Pairs

Big congratulations go to everyone who topped the high score leaderboard this year for ACBL 0-499 Pairs! Click here to see top players of the year for other BBO games.

DateUsernamesNames in ProfilesHigh ScoreTables
2023-03-20tsunami317+Tanek42Zac McClure+Seth McClure80.2258
2023-01-30ponette20+lemarteauVictor Robert/Galaxy Prime+Marcel Deslongchamps80.0952
2023-03-01AmyNorcros+keelymarieAmy Norcross+Keely Woodall78.8745
2023-07-12gretzinger+Dclark174John H Gretzinger+Dick Clark78.8619
2023-01-05CPNP40+EM48Chris Fleagle+Joe Fleagle78.8235
2023-02-17tsunami317+tanek42Zac McClure+Seth McClure78.6121
2023-08-081sayc+0 awanKris+Awan78.3340
2023-10-02Fmlsvi+sclsviFrances Meagher-Lange+Stuart Lange77.5751
2023-05-30arlarn1+albie2arnold meyers+Albert Sperling77.5429
2023-01-11shefferly+whitenow01Sue Adams+Nick77.4423
2023-03-24williamwas+hartiiibill+Bill Hart77.4255
2023-07-20vinnyjf+KathysmallVinny Freaney+Margaret Freaney77.4246
2023-05-02QuickDraw2+prslivermoJames McGraw+Padmini Sokkappa76.8752
2023-04-13flagolfer+5floridaPatrick Palfrey+ Joanne Cichon76.7646
2023-03-29sholay+Fermat11Prabhat Mishra+Hemant76.7623
2023-05-15tarponcove+marilynesBarbara N+ Marilyn76.6750

ACBL 0-499 Pairs are available every two hours during the day. You must have an ACBL number on file with BBO to register. If you need to update your ACBL number, you can do so by clicking here.

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