[test] Player's profile

[test] Player's profile

Player's Profile Test
I prefer to play with a partner who is at least my level of skill
I prefer casual to competitive games.
I got a lot from bridge and I love to give back.
I spend considerable time studying bridge to develop my skill.
Most of players bid and play awful.
I like to talk about different systems and new bidding ideas.
Being friendly at the table is imperative.
I love when partner pushes me to a challenging contract.
I compare my bridge results to others.
Bridge is important part of who I am.
I have my own ideas on how bridge organization should work.
I wish all bidding systems and conventions were allowed at tournaments.
If I play well, results will come so I am not bothered with that.
People who are in charge of bridge organization in my country are either lazy or incompetent.
I like playing against opponents who don’t use standard methods.
Masterpoints motivate me to play.
I collect and display my trophies.
Many things related to bridge should change.
I don't need to achieve good results to fully enjoy the game.
I am happy when I make a good play even if it does not turn out well.
I play bridge to meet new people.
Bridge club is my second home.
I often get into arguments with club managers or TDs
I love to chat with my opponents.
I love studying bridge problems.
I try to help newcomers.
I get excited when I hear about new bridge convention.
I am engaged in various activities of bridge clubs, online or live.
I invented some bridge conventions myself.
Winners should be publically announced and celebrated.

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