November BBOers Festival Winners

November's Festival news round-up

The November Festival has now come to a close, and here's how things panned out. In the Country vs. Country Championships, where more than seven thousand people played, Team World (made up of players from countries with fewer than 20 participants) came out on top with a score of 57.58%. Türkiye finished in second and with Poland also making the podium.

Special congratulations go to Jingsong Liu (zilon) from Renton, Washington, for winning this month's Stars & Platinum Robot Individual with an overall result of 63.82%.

Thank you for making the festival such a success and congratulations to all the prize winners listed below. Well done!

November's Podiums

Country vs Country Championship3-Day Robot Survivor3-Day Mini SurvivorStars and Platinum Robot Individual
Bert Eccles
Arseny Shur
Vasil Valchev
Jingsong Liu
David Weinberg
Chris Cooper
Alexey V. Gerasimov
Vallo Kask
Jim Munday
Nils Kvangraven

Quicklinks to the results

Country vs Country
3 Day Robot Survivor
3 Day Mini Survivor

Country vs Country Championship

Top 10 Countries

CountryPlayersScore (%)
United States129756.02
United Kingdom18055.12

Country vs Country Prize Winners

RankPlayerCountryScore (%)PointsPrize
1benellis58Canada68.4572.39100 BB$
2thymepunsWorld68.3572.1750 BB$
3vvalloWorld68.3271.9425 BB$
4sinmennWorld68.1971.7210 BB$
5Patryk86World67.8471.510 BB$
6samuikIndonesia67.3671.0510 BB$
7terasakWorld66.8470.8310 BB$
8fikriTurkey66.6170.6110 BB$
9debno1974Poland66.5870.3910 BB$
10duyguc06Turkey66.3570.175 BB$
11yigit94Turkey66.1969.965 BB$
12nsen67World65.8769.745 BB$
13arufWorld65.869.525 BB$
14gerbs5United States65.6369.315 BB$
15jmundayWorld65.569.095 BB$
16ljsunserUnited States65.3468.885 BB$
17KammererIsrael65.3268.665 BB$
18boz123Poland65.2668.455 BB$
19SHARK65World65.268.245 BB$
20itamargRomania65.168.035 BB$
21bearmugUnited Kingdom64.9767.825 BB$
22jcortinaWorld64.8167.65 BB$
23canyb81World64.6767.45 BB$
24KYMIWorld64.5567.195 BB$
25ahmetrifatWorld64.566.985 BB$
26PKYipWorld64.2566.775 BB$
27zaXXonBulgaria64.1366.565 BB$
28prabhakarsIndia64.0266.365 BB$
29mt65Turkey63.9866.155 BB$
30joefriWorld63.8565.945 BB$
31sammaitarWorld63.8465.745 BB$
32qiqiWorld63.8165.543 BB$
33berny75World63.7565.233 BB$
34sieongUnited States63.7565.233 BB$
34PiczekUnited States63.7164.933 BB$
36freckkWorld63.5864.633 BB$
37erdalpamukTurkey63.5864.633 BB$
37eksoUnited States63.5164.323 BB$
39luckyloserWorld63.4564.133 BB$
40stavidiWorld63.3763.933 BB$
41star6ijaBulgaria63.2463.731 BB$
42mundi82Poland63.263.531 BB$
43tuptek66World62.9463.141 BB$
44beto_7Indonesia62.9463.141 BB$
44antontUnited States62.9463.141 BB$
44socrate66World62.9162.741 BB$
47747bboWorld62.962.551 BB$
48estskTurkey62.8662.361 BB$
49VulturonUnited States62.8462.161 BB$
50uslaRomania62.8361.971 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the Country vs Country Championship

3-Day Robot Survivor


RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1Kammerer68.9710 BB$
2clamatius68.625 BB$
3jmunday67.985 BB$
4JoshRose67.885 BB$
5ewan67.545 BB$
6Walchev67.495 BB$
7MP760167.285 BB$
8tacai66.955 BB$
9Arxhgos66.885 BB$
10doppioking66.65 BB$

Day 1 Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1JoshRose82.285 BB$
2MukherAlex79.765 BB$
3mathjuice79.345 BB$

Day 2 Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1prim876.065 BB$
2JML1775.425 BB$
3mido201175.065 BB$

Day 3 Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1kielland80.515 BB$
2koki19125079.965 BB$
3freckk76.595 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Robot Survivor Winners

3-Day Mini Survivor

Overall Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1Walchev74.1410 BB$
2efe_70.725 BB$
3bace18469.635 BB$
4Bewango69.485 BB$
5trexter69.065 BB$
6ferrea68.445 BB$
7SASek67.935 BB$
8basarab67.865 BB$
9david_zhao66.875 BB$
10capar2666.635 BB$

Day 1 Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1Bewango83.855 BB$
2Walchev81.565 BB$
3vaino 1079.35 BB$

Day 2 Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1koded80.965 BB$
2voli32179.385 BB$
3vian.m76.235 BB$

Day 3 Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1Walchev76.835 BB$
2zeyco75.535 BB$
3poijlkj74.715 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Mini Survivor Winners

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