Rafal Gardzielewski wins the Summer 2023 NABC Robot Individual

The Summer 2023 NABC Robot Individual has concluded after three days of intense competition, and we now have the official results. Rafal Gardzielewski (every) from Poland emerged as the champion, achieving an impressive score of 69.61% and claiming the top prize.

In second place, we have Robert Schachter (punkydoodl) from Eden Prairie, MN, with an overall score of 68.65%. Taking the third spot is Andrea Boldrini (mattopo) from Italy, scoring 68.61%.

Flight A was dominated by Rafal Gardzielewski, showcasing an outstanding performance throughout the tournament. In Flight B, Sarik Goyal (rick853) from Chicago, IL, stood out with a score of 66.11%. The top position in Flight C was secured by Yong-Dong Wang (ydwang) from Memphis, TN, with a score of 64.63%.

Congratulations to all 2,568 players who participated in the tournament and contributed to its success. You can see the complete rankings here to see where you placed!

We appreciate your participation and would love to hear from you with your thoughts and experiences. If you have any interesting hands or anecdotes from the tournament, please share in the comments below.

Hope you enjoyed the Summer 2023 NABC Robot Individual Tournament!

Day one results

1st78.09%Rafal Gardzielewskievery18.00
2nd72.15%Alan Hendricksonbigalh3313.50
3rd71.57%Gabrielle Kamilgab7nt10.13

Day two results

1st76.16%Phil Motuzkopgmotuzko18.00
2nd72.83%Andrea Boldinimattopo13.50
3rd72.14%Jane EasonMAWJ10.13

Day three results

1st75.84%Drew Cavalierdcavalier18.00
2nd74.49%Anton Tsypkinantont13.50
3rd73.51%Howard Sternhstern10.13

Overall results

1st69.61%Rafal Gardzielewskievery48.00
2nd68.65%Robert Schachterpunkydoodl36.00
3rd68.61%Andrea Boldrinimattopo27.00
Top Flight B66.11%Sarik Goyalrick85332.00
Top Flight C64.63%Yong-Dong Wangydwang24.00
7 comments on “Rafal Gardzielewski wins the Summer 2023 NABC Robot Individual”

  1. Do we have official results? How many gold/red points were awarded to each session/overall?


  2. Hi There
    Why were overseas players all placed in band 'A" ? - I have 220 ACBL MPs but has to compete against players with 100's or even 1000's of points more than me.
    On day 2 i would of been first C in my section and 2nd B but in effect missed out on those match points

    1. Hi Dave,
      Thanks for your feedback. We appreciate your concerns about the placement of overseas players in Flight 'A' and the impact it had on your competition. Rest assured, we've forwarded it to the organizers and will propose improvements to the conditions of contest. Thank you for your input! 🙂

  3. This was my first multi-day tournament and although I did not play well, I enjoyed it very much. I’m confused by the award of points, however. I see contestants with overall percentage scores of 15% or less (!!) receiving MPs. Would you explain that? Keep up the good work, we all appreciate it!

    1. Hi Jim,
      About points, it's based on each session performance. Sometimes, players may have performed well in certain sessions despite a lower overall percentage. For instance, if someone played only part of the event and received a score of 60%, followed by 15%, then 0% for unplayed boards, their overall percentage would be 25%. They'd still receive points for the 60% session. 🙂

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