BBOers July Festival Winners

Thank you to everyone who participated in the BBOers July Festival. We hope you enjoyed playing exciting boards and had a great time playing.

July Festival news round-up

It's fantastic to witness yet another successful month of Country vs Country with a large number of players participating, there were 5524 players in total. Türkiye came out on top with 281 players, achieving an impressive average score of 58.39%. Indonesia secured the second position with 64 players and an average score of 58.07%. The US team, with 664 players, secured third place with an average score of 56.85%. Explore the complete list of the top 10 countries below.

Congratulations to Sedat Aluf (monk99) from Turkiye for winning this month's Stars & Platinum Robot Individual with an impressive overall result of 62.04%.

The survivor games were popular as always, with over 12,000 participants in each tournament. Thank you to all the participants who made the festival such a success and congratulations to all the prize winners listed below. Well done!

The BBOers July Festival Podiums

Country vs Country Championship3-Day Robot Survivor3-Day Mini SurvivorStars and Platinum Robot Individual
000memetMikolaj Taczewski (mundi82)Milan Uscumlic (milan74)Sedat Aluf (monk99)
Jan Erik B (JanErikB)Bjorn Ahlm (bjornahlm)Thomas Chwu (cjc2005)Nafiz Zorlu (begse)
Krzysztof Pikus (sukip)Staszek (Sasek)Kjell ove Helmersen (kjelle5)Jim Streisand (strei1)

Quicklinks to the results

Country vs Country
3 Day Robot Survivor
3 Day Mini Survivor

Country vs Country Championship

Top 10 Countries

CountryPlayersScore (%)
United States66456.85
United Kingdom22655.14

Country vs Country Prize Winners

RankPlayerCountryScore (%)PointsPrize
1000memetTurkiye70.1156.14100 BB$
2JanErikBNorway68.9955.9250 BB$
3sukipPoland68.1555.725 BB$
4JRMayneUnited States67.7655.4910 BB$
5sergiuFrance67.6455.2710 BB$
6taberassWorld67.5355.0510 BB$
7nurcenTurkiye67.4354.8410 BB$
8fchangUnited States67.3354.6310 BB$
9KammererIsrael67.354.4110 BB$
10fikoooTurkiye66.6454.210 BB$
11rishabhUnited States66.3953.995 BB$
12Dbc_27Indonesia66.353.785 BB$
13BaardOlavWorld65.5253.575 BB$
14hackenbushUnited States65.4853.255 BB$
14andymanvifNorway65.4853.255 BB$
16gorge zhuWorld65.2852.635 BB$
17spcomproUnited States65.2852.635 BB$
17arvindsIndia65.0852.335 BB$
19januszkrolPoland64.9752.125 BB$
20jonottawaCanada64.9651.925 BB$
21tahitian cUnited States64.9151.725 BB$
22dadelivaNetherlands64.8251.515 BB$
23daniel_vieWorld64.7851.315 BB$
24tennattyUnited States64.5851.115 BB$
25KuldpallWorld64.5450.915 BB$
26lolobrigidWorld64.5350.725 BB$
27gycsunWorld64.4750.525 BB$
28lxs555United States64.3450.125 BB$
29moenNorway64.3249.935 BB$
30drxmanTurkiye64.2349.545 BB$
31talia_Poland64.0649.353 BB$
32debno1974Poland64.0149.153 BB$
33XX ManFrance63.9548.963 BB$
34bert_poliiIndonesia63.948.773 BB$
35drury15Turkiye63.8648.393 BB$
36Fleming12Denmark63.7948.23 BB$
37c1nyangIndonesia63.6547.923 BB$
38woengelUnited States63.6547.923 BB$
39harley42World63.6447.643 BB$
40wrecksveeUnited States63.5847.463 BB$
41pchbsWorld63.5347.271 BB$
41lee1972Australia63.547.091 BB$
43mcaplanUnited Kingdom63.4846.91 BB$
44stcSwitzerland63.4746.721 BB$
45paulspenceWorld63.4446.541 BB$
46monk99Turkiye63.4346.361 BB$
47bguzikPoland63.3646.181 BB$
48Adam4333United Kingdom63.34461 BB$
49jivcoGermany63.3245.821 BB$
50exerdarWorld63.2545.551 BB$
50suntungIndonesia63.2545.551 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the Country vs Country Championship

3-Day Robot Survivor


RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1mundi8270.6710 BB$
2bjornahlm69.615 BB$
3SASek69.515 BB$
4punkydoodl68.235 BB$
5matt_k67.725 BB$
6AFKK67.495 BB$
7Steve H67.385 BB$
8birimba67.365 BB$
9IgorG66.585 BB$
10yogeshu66.555 BB$

Day 1 Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1nedkokoev80.145 BB$
2rifalpdlh78.755 BB$
3soklaks78.455 BB$

Day 2 Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1mundi8278.985 BB$
2Tiiduke77.25 BB$
3fikri76.795 BB$

Day 3 Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1IgorG80.25 BB$
2jerzyfalko79.355 BB$
3sikana75.665 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Robot Survivor Winners

3-Day Mini Survivor

Overall Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1milan7470.810 BB$
2cjc200570.585 BB$
3Kjelle570.355 BB$
4tresha68.775 BB$
5Ylmztrn6168.055 BB$
6f3e6g4Dh4X67.745 BB$
7sstoev66.75 BB$
8scafatese66.675 BB$
9pdavid266.535 BB$
10badesh66.235 BB$

Day 1 Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1kickboxr79.25 BB$
2Krasy79.045 BB$
3Subhasish77.815 BB$

Day 2 Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1kenomed79.535 BB$
2space78.155 BB$
3sotniku77.885 BB$

Day 3 Winners

RankPlayerScore (%)Prize
1A_zrae_L76.315 BB$
2milan7473.835 BB$
3sanin73.555 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Mini Survivor Winners

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