Sharpen your skills against the bots

Games to get you ready for the NABC Robot Individual

Get some practice in before the event, with these robot games on BBO. All of these games provide big similarities with the NABC Robot Individual format.

  • Zenith Daylong Reward - lots of experienced players enjoy this game so it's a good place to check your form. It’s individual, 16 boards, and you play with robots. 70% prize payback if you finish in the top 30%. As with all daylongs, you can register, play at your own pace, leave the table, then resume the game later during the day without losing your results.
  • ACBL Daylongs - You play against the bots against thousands of players in what are some of the most tightly contested tournaments on BBO. These games attract a big field, and a chance to win lots of points.
  • Stars & Platinum (BBOers Fest - starts on the first Monday of every month) - open to BBO Star players (players who have represented their country live, in international championships) and players with at least 5 ACBL Platinum Points. You play 16 boards per day, over 3 days.

Summer NABC Robot Individual details

  • You can win ACBL Masterpoints (Red and Gold), as well as an NABC title!
  • It runs from July 8th to July 10th
  • It's stratified to level the playing field - Unlimited/2000/500
  • There will be two practice tournaments held on the weekends leading up to the event
    • June 24th-25th (two days)
    • July 1st-2nd (two days)
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