Reaching the last four - Semifinals of Les Etincelles Cup

Ron Tacchi reports from Tignes on the semifinals of the Les Etincelles Cup at the fourth Edition of the Winter Games.

On the penultimate day of the Winter Games four teams were left attempting to secure an opportunity to bestride the top of the podium after tomorrow’s Les Etincelles Cup final. Meanwhile the remaining teams were battling for a place in the final of the GCK Trophy via semi-finals A & B.

Orca faced Vinciguerra while Multon took on Zimmermann Silver. There were no dramatic lead outs – there were few exciting deals. The teams that won their respective first sessions gradually consolidated their positions and went into the final set knowing that a place in the final and an opportunity to reach the summit was in reach.

Board 9. Dealer North. E/W Vul.

With a combined point-count of 33 it was difficult to stop short of 6NT. The mirror distribution meant that for the slam to succeed both red suit finesses would have to work. Luck was on the side of the three slam bidders. It gave Orca a 13 IMP swing against Vinciguerra.

On that deal 33 points might not have been enough for 6NT. On this one East-West had considerably fewer, but reached a higher level:

Piedra and Kalita of Zimmermann Silver had an uncontested auction.

3NT showed four trumps and was game forcing, 4♣ and 4 were cue-bids and 4NT Keycard Blackwood. East showed two key cards and when West asked for Kings East indicated the King of Hearts. West could deduce that East’s Diamond control was a singleton or void, so with the King of Hearts taking care of the Club loser it only remained to be able to ruff the losing Diamonds in dummy. Nicely bid. Declarer’s prognostications in the bidding appeared came true in the play. He was able to organise three Diamond ruffs and the grand slam rolled home.

The notorious number 13 lived up to it’s reputation on this deal:

Orca v Vinviguerra

Open Room

North led a Club to dummy’s Jack and a Diamond to the Ace saw declarer draw trumps, South pitching the 3. A Diamond to the King saw North discard the 2. When declarer cashed the A he could no longer make the contract.

There is a winning line, but it’s far from easy. When North discards on the second Diamond declarer must cash the Q pitching a Spade (the Queen if you like). He then ruffs a Diamond and plays two more Clubs pitching a Spade and a Diamond from dummy. If declarer reads the position, he will always have a winning line, but may have to divine the Spade position if South blanks the King.

Closed Room

North led the 7 and declarer won in dummy, unblocked the ♣J, came to hand with a Diamond and drew trumps. After a fourth round of the suit he played a Diamond and could not recover.

Orca outscored Vinciguerra by 148-88 and Multon had won 111-82 against Zimmermann Silver. The final of Les Etincelles Cup would be between Multon and Orca.

You can see all results, further information and the Daily Bulletins on the website

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