Time Change Alert

Attention BBOers,

We want to remind you that Daylight Saving Time (DST) is about to start or has already started in many countries around the world, and this has implications for our players.

DST involves setting the clock forward by one hour in the spring and back by one hour in the fall, with the aim of extending daylight during the summer months. BBO has changed its server time to accommodate the DST change, which affects the start times of tournaments and games. If you aren't aware of the time change, you may miss the start of a game or tournament, or find that the time has shifted.

The time change for DST occurs at different times in different regions. In the United States and Canada, DST starts on the second Sunday of March (March 12, 2023) and ends on the first Sunday of November (November 5, 2023). In Europe, DST starts on the last Sunday of March (March 26, 2023) and ends on the last Sunday of October (October 29, 2023). If you're in a different region, you can check the exact dates for DST online.

To ensure that you don't miss any games or tournaments due to the time change, we recommend that you adjust your clocks accordingly and be aware of the start times of games and tournaments.

Best regards,

The BBO Team

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