Hand of the day #314
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This quiz was written by Oren Lidor to accompany the article 'Decision at Trick 1'
In the following quiz you’ll need to make the right decision at trick 1 to determine whether you make or go down.
Oren Lidor is considered one of the best bridge teachers in Israel, is the author of 5 bridge books, and teaches bridge to people from all over the world on BBO.
Enjoyed immensely. Even though i got 5/10 when I should have got 6/10.
Truly Nice
Fantastic. I copied it so that I can refer to it later. For some reason, I get the more difficult questions but miss the easy ones.
On 9 give declarer 9x AKxxx Qxxx Kx and you just gave him the ninth trick out of nowhere.
si sud a AK de coeur, il a 9 levées (2 C, 4 K, 3T). Donc jouer A P et J de P est hypothese de nécessite: seule espoir de battre
A well-structured quiz, and would be very useful for beginner to advanced players.
No wonder he is a great teacher. For the nth time, a great quiz.
So enjoy Oren's Quiz'z. Never do that great, though learn so much along the way!!
good quiz for players at all levels