BBOers January Festival Winners

Thank you to everyone who took part in the BBOers January festival. We hope you enjoyed taking part, and that you had fun playing some interesting boards.

January Festival news round-up

Well done to the 216 Turkish players for bringing home the win for Türkiye in this month's Country vs Country Championship, with an average player score of 57.24%. Bulgaria's 46 players took second place with an average score of 56.44%. Scroll down to see the top 10 countries.

It was great to see almost a thousand players making up the highly competitive field for the Stars and Platinum Robot Individual. Congratulations go to Jim Munday (jmunday) from Albuquerque, who came out victorious with an overall score of 64.90%.

As usual, you enjoyed the survivors too, with well over 10,000 of you in each tournament. Very special congratulations go to all the prize winners listed below - well done!

The BBOers January Festival Podiums

Country vs Country Championship3-Day Robot Survivor3-Day Mini SurvivorStars and Platinum Robot Individual
Zahari Zahariev (semir)Slawek Piechocki (kenomed)Joe Cameron (hogfan1)Jim Munday (jmunday)
96vamate (96vamate)Zdzislaw Beling (zdzb)Grzegorz Bachanek (grzes33)Jonathan Ferguson (jonottawa)
Turgay Sesyilmaz (firstofall)Burak Baskan (baskanb)Christian (Chris19663)Alex Perlin (ashdown4)

Quicklinks to the results

Country vs Country
3 Day Robot Survivor
3 Day Mini Survivor

Country vs Country Championship

Top 10 Countries

United States57056.09
United Kingdom19754.16

Country vs Country Prize Winners

RankUsernameCountryScore (%)Prize
1semirBulgaria68.55100 BB$
296vamateHungary68.0950 BB$
3firstofallTurkiye67.3225 BB$
4tabakTurkiye66.7310 BB$
5vvalloWorld66.0310 BB$
6skiersiualPoland65.9310 BB$
7norb68Italy65.8910 BB$
8JanErikBNorway65.7210 BB$
9ndaviesUnited Kingdom65.4310 BB$
10yasubeeWorld65.1310 BB$
11ptownsdUnited States65.065 BB$
12sinhasuratIndia64.895 BB$
13mimajoroWorld64.735 BB$
14tefski1Norway64.625 BB$
15KammererIsrael64.505 BB$
161hilikIsrael64.435 BB$
17400 VoltGermany64.265 BB$
18jcortinaUnited States64.255 BB$
19fs29United States64.145 BB$
20doruaRomania63.895 BB$
21XRebornedWorld63.845 BB$
22herbie22United States63.745 BB$
23WildPossumUnited States63.725 BB$
24balatiTurkiye63.615 BB$
25MarekWPoland63.595 BB$
26rdepauloUnited States63.575 BB$
27ljsunserUnited States63.465 BB$
28RBGUnited States63.425 BB$
29acealanIreland63.425 BB$
30oktayoTurkiye63.405 BB$
31kennyellUnited Kingdom63.343 BB$
32WaFiaKIndonesia63.273 BB$
33milikoWorld63.153 BB$
34ioneluRomania63.033 BB$
35adamebaPoland63.033 BB$
36Manguni01Indonesia62.943 BB$
37NostrijsWorld62.833 BB$
38KlausCSweden62.793 BB$
39bob5ngUnited States62.783 BB$
40gretskyCanada62.523 BB$
41gr8okanTurkiye62.371 BB$
41danutUnited States62.291 BB$
43bakdogan10Turkiye62.201 BB$
44leventTurkiye62.041 BB$
45mersin3Turkiye61.981 BB$
46rtncTurkiye61.961 BB$
47miguelloUnited Kingdom61.951 BB$
47sergo120Bulgaria61.941 BB$
49carmela36Israel61.911 BB$
50hhhe88United States61.891 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the Country vs Country Championship

3-Day Robot Survivor


PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
kenomed72.04110 BB$
zdzb69.9025 BB$
baskanb69.5835 BB$
utku69.2345 BB$
siwolf69.2255 BB$
PimBus68.8865 BB$
usla68.5475 BB$
cngz68.2185 BB$
berhan267.9395 BB$
kacper7967.35105 BB$

Day 1 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
wangmc83.7015 BB$
a player79.3625 BB$
bpv_6679.0935 BB$

Day 2 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
najonajo78.0915 BB$
usla78.0125 BB$
skollie77.2835 BB$

Day 3 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
0 georgi77.7415 BB$
mythird77.0925 BB$
jovana_jjz74.7535 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Robot Survivor Winners

3-Day Mini Survivor

Overall Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
hogfan169.66110 BB$
grzes3368.8125 BB$
Chris1966368.4235 BB$
cavity68.3545 BB$
7ntxxonly68.2755 BB$
srastogi68.2565 BB$
2times68.2375 BB$
cris31M67.9085 BB$
blackened67.7295 BB$
sAnJiT dEy67.26105 BB$

Day 1 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
caspergutt81.0215 BB$
falanster80.4425 BB$
tah79.6735 BB$

Day 2 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
07veysel82.8215 BB$
OlcaK75.4525 BB$
finnram75.2935 BB$

Day 3 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
srastogi79.8715 BB$
murat15179.2325 BB$
blackened78.3635 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Mini Survivor Winners

People who register with multiple aliases are not eligible for prizes

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