Hand of the day #324
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Dear BBOers, have a go at this bidding problems. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve complete the exercise. Good luck!
What will you bid with these hands?
This article was written by Jérôme & Léo Rombaut and was originally published in Bridgerama+.
Just loves these quizzes…all are great…Oren Lidor is superb!
I just got over half 32 points. I wondered if it’s a good idea for my hand to be in dummy as it is advantageous to opposition.
I always open with it > 1NT
I usually play the heart 2 or 4
I play better than my partner 🙂
I don't think I agree with the answers to 2 and 5...with 2 you can bid 3Spades as forcing - it should be agreeing hearts and looking for a slam - partner can bid 4 hearts with a minimun or bid 3NT with a maximum but nothing to cue bid outside of the trump suit...now you can then bid 4D to ask for the Queen of clubs (you've already denied the Ace or king with the 3nt bid so 4d would still be slamming so it must be showing an interest in slam still....slam is pretty much nailed on if partner has ak to 7 and the queen of clubs - the point is you can explore below 4h - so you should. Hand 5 as someone else has already said 3hearts is the right bid - it shows slam interest as you could just bid 4h with a minimum.
Love these kinds of instructive messages.
Can't say I agree with much of this article. 2NT rebid of this hand is a perfect description of a balanced hand worth 18-19. If you play cue bids as limit raise or better, then a slow descriptive rebid of 2!d shows slam interest. If 2!h is a GF response (as it should be) then 3!H is an obligatory rebid setting trumps (unless partner returns to 3!S) and showing slam interest.
I agree with you....
I don't think I agree with the answers to 2 and 5...with 2 you can bid 3Spades as forcing - it should be agreeing hearts and looking for a slam - partner can bid 4 hearts with a minimun or bid 3NT with a maximum but nothing to cue bid outside of the trump suit...now you can then bid 4D to ask for the Queen of clubs (you've already denied the Ace or king with the 3nt bid so 4d would still be slamming so it must be showing an interest in slam still....slam is pretty much nailed on if partner has ak to 7 and the queen of clubs - the point is you can explore below 4h - so you should. Hand 5 as someone else has already said 3hearts is the right bid - it shows slam interest as you could just bid 4h with a minimum.
Great quiz and explanations. Very instructive.Thank you
I didn’t score well but I understand the reasons why
Excellent explanations. Thank you.