Bridge with Larry Cohen - Bidding exercice

Dear BBOers, have a go at this bidding problems. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you’ve complete the exercise. Good luck!

What will you bid with these hands?

Quiz bidding - Bridge with Larry Cohen 1

Quiz bidding - Bridge with Larry Cohen 1

Problem 1



a) 4♣

With partner marked with at most one Spade, there are excellent chances of a slam. 4♣ keeps all your options open. 6 is reasonable, despite the possibility of partner holding wasted values in Hearts. 5 is a little too conservative.

Problem 2

Answer: b) 3♠

With five-card support, 3♠ is right down the middle. 2♠ does not show any values while 4♠ is too aggressive.

Problem 3


c) 1

Starting with a double shows both majors, but not such extreme distribution. 1♠ is too much of a distortion. 1 immediately gets your best suit into the picture and there may be an opportunity to show the nature of your hand later.

Problem 4


a) 3♠

This is a classic 3♠ rebid, promising four-card support and a six-loser hand. The hand is not strong enough for a Splinter bid of 4, while rebidding 2♠ is not enough.

Problem 5


b) 4

This time, a Splinter bid of 4 is the best way to describe your hand. Jumping to 4 will sometimes result in missing a playable slam, while immediately asking for Aces is too optimistic.

Problem 6


c) Dbl

The reopening Double gives partner the option of converting it into penalties. 2♠ is reasonable, but gives up on the possible penalty, while 2 is a step in the wrong direction.

Problem 7


a) 4

Bidding 4 may be vital if partner ends up being on lead, which makes it superior to 4♠. Passing makes it easy for North to introduce Hearts.

This article was written by Larry Cohen and was originally published in Bridgerama+.

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