How to buy BB$ on BBO

There are a few ways you can buy the BB$ you’ll need for some of the tournaments on BBO.

Buying BB$ on the BBO website

To get the best value for money, buy your BB$ directly from the BBO store using your credit card. You can choose to make a one-off purchase or subscribe to auto-refill once you've added your credit card. BB$ bought on website can also be used on the BBO apps on tablets and mobile.

Why subscribe to Auto-refill?

Setting up a subscription to Auto-refill has a number of benefits:

  • you'll never run out of BB$
  • it'll save you time; no need to go to the BBO store to refill your account
  • you'll never be caught out last minute if don't have enough BB$ to join your partner for a scheduled game.

Where to find the BBO store

The screenshot below shows the link to the BBO store.

Buying BB$ from within your BBO app

You can also buy directly within the BBO apps for Android and Apple devices. You’ll notice that the prices for BB$ packs are higher due to store taxes. Click on the shop button and select the pack to purchase. See the Android BBO shop below.

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