BBOers October Festival Winners

Thanks to all of you who participated in the BBOers October festival - hopefully you enjoyed taking part!

October Festival highlights

The Country vs Country Championship was once again a big success, and together you represented 26 countries in total. Türkiye came out victorious with an average player score of 58.61%. Close behind were Poland and Indonesia.

The Stars and Platinum Robot Individual was another close run thing. Click here to see the leaderboard.

Lots of you got into the survivors too, with well over 10,000 players in each tournament. Very special congratulations go to all the prize winners listed below - well done!

The BBOers September Festival Podiums

Country vs Country Championship3-Day Robot Survivor3-Day Mini SurvivorStars and Platinum Robot Individual
Serken Ünal (srknunal)David Cole (davidcole)(wheatcl)Francisco P Coutinho (flgpc)
Levent Ergen (melergen) Ned Koev (nedkokoev)Georgi Ianev (0 georgi)Leonardo Rizzo (naninga)
Özgür Sayın (kayzer)Felix Schwartz (fs29)Zahari Zahariev (zzahooo)Jiang Gu (jiang_gu)

Quicklinks to the results

Country vs Country
3 Day Robot Survivor
3 Day Mini Survivor

Country vs Country Championship

Top 10 Countries

United States81656.15
United Kingdom23654.91

Country vs Country Prize Winners

RankUsernameCountryScore (%)PointsPrize
1srknunalTürkiye67.2231.87100 BB$
2melergenTürkiye67.0131.4650 BB$
3kayzerTürkiye65.5431.0625 BB$
4rominenPoland65.5230.8610 BB$
5fachiruUnited States65.4530.6610 BB$
6gretskyCanada65.3930.4610 BB$
7Idur64Germany65.2230.2610 BB$
8dst463France65.1230.0710 BB$
91hilikIsrael65.0929.8710 BB$
10sieongUnited States65.0029.6810 BB$
11yeliiUnited States64.9329.495 BB$
12semirBulgaria64.8829.305 BB$
13prebenvmDenmark64.8229.115 BB$
14polcepIndonesia64.7528.925 BB$
15zhenya__SUnited States64.7128.555 BB$
16cherdanoUnited Kingdom64.5828.185 BB$
17s_ozkutluTürkiye64.2928.005 BB$
18dave251164United Kingdom64.0827.645 BB$
19PhilUnited States63.9527.375 BB$
20boosterbbhIsrael63.9527.375 BB$
21erlustyTürkiye63.8927.115 BB$
22ifezenTürkiye63.8826.855 BB$
23jonottawaCanada63.8826.855 BB$
24yjn001World63.6826.595 BB$
25scottc56United Kingdom63.6626.425 BB$
2660yearsCanada63.6426.255 BB$
27hester02Netherlands63.6326.085 BB$
28grewerPoland63.5425.915 BB$
29doctor038United Kingdom63.4825.745 BB$
30boubou13France63.4525.585 BB$
31PatomaquetSpain63.4425.333 BB$
32FiannGermany63.4425.333 BB$
33stevemonkCanada63.1524.923 BB$
34omleungUnited States63.1224.763 BB$
35lleoNetherlands63.0624.603 BB$
36antontUnited States63.0124.443 BB$
37dantmRomania62.9324.283 BB$
38rjaUnited States62.8624.133 BB$
39s1y4Canada62.7923.973 BB$
40ynhUnited States62.7823.823 BB$
41yuval10Israel62.7123.661 BB$
42pgs58Canada62.6923.511 BB$
43AnnasLeifSweden62.6023.211 BB$
44drtrevorliWorld62.6023.211 BB$
45few1United States62.6023.211 BB$
46100567World62.4522.911 BB$
47gobochampDenmark62.3522.691 BB$
48olddragonzUnited States62.3422.471 BB$
49passellUnited States62.3022.321 BB$
50monk99Türkiye62.2922.181 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the Country vs Country Championship

3-Day Robot Survivor


PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
davidcole69.67110 BB$
nedkokoev69.4825 BB$
fs2969.0335 BB$
zzahooo68.5145 BB$
tamaraw2068.4455 BB$
cngz67.0365 BB$
stansllee66.6175 BB$
pehakan66.5585 BB$
2020x66.4095 BB$
rychp4066.05105 BB$

Day 1 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
subhasish84.2015 BB$
Koded83.4225 BB$
kolkey79.2535 BB$

Day 2 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
dato79.9415 BB$
polokil79.8825 BB$
maverickgl79.8035 BB$

Day 3 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
pehakan74.6315 BB$
Miao_Z74.3225 BB$
davidcole74.1235 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Robot Survivor Winners

3-Day Mini Survivor

Overall Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize BB$
wheatcl70.15110 BB$
0 georgi69.8325 BB$
zzahooo69.6635 BB$
Ganesha2869.6045 BB$
Ylva0169.0555 BB$
stu2368.4665 BB$
loekkeraue68.2175 BB$
bgf5468.0385 BB$
drkvas67.5695 BB$
distri67.52105 BB$

Day 1 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize BB$
Ganesha2879.4815 BB$
royalx78.9125 BB$
zzahooo78.6435 BB$

Day 2 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
distri77.9315 BB$
Navajo5776.0725 BB$
mcapu75.6835 BB$

Day 3 Winners

PlayerScore (%)RankPrize
stu2381.5715 BB$
Ylva0178.6725 BB$
00fb75.6935 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Mini Survivor Winners

People who register with multiple aliases are not eligible for prizes

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