Quiz with Larry Cohen 1/2

This quiz allows you to practice what you've learned in Larry's accompanying article

Declarer Play Problems

Quiz bidding - Bridge with Larry Cohen 1

Quiz bidding - Bridge with Larry Cohen 1

Problem 1

Contract: 3 No-Trump.
Lead: 6, and you take East’s Jack with the Queen.

Do you:


c) Cross to the K and play the 2 of Spades to the Queen

If West has the Ace of Spades he cannot profitably play a second Heart, giving you time to play on Clubs, while if East goes up with the Ace of Spades to play a Heart, you will have three Spades, two Hearts and four Diamonds.

Problem 2

Contract: 5 Diamonds (after East has opened 1♠ and West raised to 3♠).
Lead: ♠2.

Do you:

Answer: b) Ruff, draw trumps ending in dummy and play a low Heart?

East’s opening bid makes it certain that he will have one or both of the ♣A and the K. If West has the K, you can be sure the ♣A will be onside.

Problem 3

Contract: 3 No-Trump.
West leads the ♠Q and you win with the King.


a) Cash the Ace of Clubs, cross to dummy with a Diamond and play a low Club towards the Queen,

Cashing the ♣A guards against a singleton King with West. If the suit is distributed as shown, East cannot profitably take the King on the second round, leaving you with time to set up a Heart trick. At matchpoints, it is best to follow line b.

This article was written by Larry Cohen and was originally published in Bridgerama+.

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