BBOers August Festival Winners

Thanks to all of you who took part in the BBOers festival - hopefully you had fun and enjoyed the games. Thank you for helping August get off to a flying start!

Festival highlights

The Country vs Country Championship was once again a huge success, and together you represented 23 countries in total. For the second time, Indonesia came out victorious with an average player score of 57.78%. It was very close though with Poland and Türkiye just behind in second and third place respectively. Players from the top 10 countries all performed well on average - just look at the scoring in the top 10 to see.

The Stars and Platinum Robot Individual proved to be a real draw too with well over a 1000 participants. Click here to see the leaderboard.

Lots of you got into the survivors too, with over 10,000 of you in each tourney. Very special congratulations go to all the prize winners listed below - well done!

The BBOers Festival Podiums

Country vs Country Championship3-Day Robot Survivor3-Day Mini SurvivorStars and Platinum Robot Individual
Steven Parker (spcompro) Yauheni Siutsau (zhenya__S)M. Piotrowski (maciekp4)Jonathan Weinstein (jlw77)
Bulent Aslan (baylind) Terje Wolan (terjew)
Sergey Kanchev-Krasen (sergo120)
Robert Ng (bob5ng)
Arnvid Johnsen (Ajo)
Marko Tenn (tenn)

Zahari Zahariev (zzahooo)
Suleyman Kolata (atalok)

Quicklinks to the results

Country vs Country
3 Day Robot Survivor
3 Day Mini Survivor

Country vs Country Championship

Top 10 Countries

CountryPlayers  Score
United States62455.32
United Kingdom16753.76

Country vs Country Prize Winners

RankUsernameCountryScore (%)BBO PointsPrize
1spcomproUnited States69.5724.61100 BB$
2baylindTürkiye65.8624.2150 BB$
3AjoNorway65.6224.0125 BB$
4piodziePoland65.3823.8110 BB$
5albertcaoAustralia64.8423.6210 BB$
6unpade7Indonesia64.6523.4210 BB$
7alprofItaly64.5723.2310 BB$
8JoshRoseUnited States64.1922.8510 BB$
9BaardOlavWorld64.1822.6610 BB$
10liam37Ireland63.9722.4810 BB$
11pavlasvo1World63.9222.295 BB$
12thymepunsUnited Kingdom63.8422.115 BB$
13SinggasanaIndonesia63.8221.935 BB$
14RoelandMNetherlands63.6221.755 BB$
15lolobrigidWorld63.521.575 BB$
16uslaRomania63.4421.395 BB$
17sukipPoland63.1621.045 BB$
18Mauro50Italy63.0620.875 BB$
19StirlyFrance63.0120.535 BB$
20barosanuRomania62.9720.365 BB$
21saurus53World62.9120.25 BB$
22skiersiualPoland62.8520.035 BB$
23vio21Romania62.7319.75 BB$
24aizIndia62.6919.545 BB$
25joefriGermany62.6719.385 BB$
26wiwchariCanada62.4819.225 BB$
27mithatkTürkiye62.3319.065 BB$
28runewellUnited States62.3218.915 BB$
29x27United States62.2918.755 BB$
30lxs555United States62.2618.65 BB$
31stragsUnited States62.2418.453 BB$
32xu_sunriseUnited States62.1918.33 BB$
33GaryofpghUnited States62.1518.153 BB$
34patomaquetSpain62.05183 BB$
35YewTXCanada61.8217.73 BB$
36frodeausNorway61.6917.413 BB$
37alwodPoland61.6717.273 BB$
38pawelhPoland61.5817.133 BB$
39aidanCanada61.5416.713 BB$
40SandraGebUnited States61.5216.573 BB$
41rjcpUnited Kingdom61.4916.31 BB$
42old_schateBulgaria61.4616.171 BB$
43tygerfanAustralia61.4116.041 BB$
44erlustyTürkiye61.3215.771 BB$
45nels0nUnited Kingdom61.315.641 BB$
46sheepmanUnited Kingdom61.2615.521 BB$
47sparkyudayCanada61.1415.391 BB$
48zzelonWorld61.1115.141 BB$
49Ronald21Netherlands61.0515.011 BB$
50longislandNorway61.0214.891 BB$
*Players who registered with more than one username have been disqualified as they're not eligible for the BB$ prizes.

Click here to see all the results for the Country vs Country Championship

3-Day Robot Survivor


NameScore (%)RankPrize
zhenya__S70.42110 BB$
terjew68.9925 BB$
tenn68.5935 BB$
caky_67.8145 BB$
ralphparke67.4555 BB$
Myth67.1565 BB$
amasyabft67.1075 BB$
robert_pr66.9385 BB$
Adev66.929 5 BB$
pasz66.57105 BB$

Day 1 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
Onno80.2415 BB$
fizzcat78.4425 BB$
caky_78.3435 BB$

Day 2 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
Main elk81.5215 BB$
olpeculier81.3225 BB$
tenn78.8235 BB$

Day 3 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
yhl12379.5115 BB$
tommyst79.0325 BB$
moskil75.8135 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Robot Survivor Winners

3-Day Mini Survivor

Overall Winners

NameScore (%)RankPrize
maciekp470.57110 BB$
sergo12069.8525 BB$
zzahooo69.3835 BB$
Burhan0969.2545 BB$
1 AG 167.8655 BB$
engelkind67.2865 BB$
andreakis67.0975 BB$
jo-arne66.5985 BB$
A_zrae_L66.4095 BB$
lucian_7166.22105 BB$

Day 1 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
SarPaulsen80.4215 BB$
mrgold79.9025 BB$
DrG8179.8935 BB$

Day 2 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
Florentin79.5615 BB$
maciekp474.4925 BB$
robciu_lfc74.0135 BB$

Day 3 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
lucian_7173.0315 BB$
rieneckfan72.8025 BB$
Thors172.6935 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Mini Survivor Winners

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