BBOers July Festival Winners

Thanks to all 30,000 of you who took part in the BBOers festival. We hope you had loads of fun and enjoyed the festival. You certainly made July get off to a flying start!

The Country vs Country Championship was a huge success, and together you represented 25 countries in total. Indonesia came out victorious with an average player score of 58.19.

Loads of you played the survivors too, with over 10,000 of you in each tourney. Very special congratulations go to all the prize winners listed below - well done!

Country vs Country
3 Day Robot Survivor
3 Day Mini Survivor
Stars and Platinum Robot Individual

Country vs Country Championship

Top 10 Countries

CountryPlayers  Score
United States61855.62

Country vs Country Prize Winners

CountryScore (%)RankPrize
daniel savRomania67.761100 BB$
pdavid2Israel67.56250 BB$
jutekGermany67.44325 BB$
malpracTurkey66.98410 BB$
roger_nNorway66.38510 BB$
pheinoWorld65.49610 BB$
khc01United States65.4710 BB$
adamebaPoland65.13810 BB$
ZZZ1000Denmark64.76910 BB$
sirpiatnikWorld64.481010 BB$
martinetUnited States64.44115 BB$
unpade7Indonesia64.34125 BB$
GuggenPoland63.89135 BB$
cub3rIndonesia63.79145 BB$
jeanopolCanada63.77155 BB$
draculea23Romania63.75165 BB$
everneverGermany63.71175 BB$
melnicataBulgaria63.62185 BB$
rodvennSpain63.59195 BB$
AdevWorld63.57205 BB$
oddahaNorway63.39215 BB$
jp1989Germany63.38225 BB$
stelios_tUnited States63.36235 BB$
honeurHungary63.33245 BB$
petergemUnited States63.3255 BB$
attbucGermany63.28265 BB$
andobeNorway63.28275 BB$
limoncelloCanada63.13285 BB$
RBGUnited States63.05295 BB$
fs29United States62.88305 BB$
thetakerGermany62.87313 BB$
kippiGermany62.75323 BB$
Ineb2007Hungary62.67333 BB$
leenokyinWorld62.59343 BB$
avishefiIsrael62.56353 BB$
ollWorld62.4363 BB$
quintefoxCanada62.34373 BB$
edcleeUnited States62.3383 BB$
barmarUnited States62.23393 BB$
sherlockx1United States62.23403 BB$
birbal1Canada62.07411 BB$
gmr1066United States61.86421 BB$
PeteracolUnited Kingdom61.85431 BB$
kamil 26Poland61.79441 BB$
Jotes1972Poland61.78451 BB$
mrianNorway61.75461 BB$
DomBomb1Canada61.74471 BB$
MacgywerNorway61.74481 BB$
josteiniNorway61.72491 BB$
chowsan25United States61.66501 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the Country vs Country Championship

3-Day Robot Survivor


Score (%)RankPrize
basen22276.98110 BB$
capycino75.2825 BB$
rezober74.3135 BB$
tuamdon74.1545 BB$
Seyita73.9555 BB$
rsz73.6165 BB$
farqin73.5675 BB$
gorankn372.3385 BB$
lc chen71.9595 BB$
shellyn71.83105 BB$

Day 1 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
kudouyzy79.7315 BB$
OfiSofi79.625 BB$
albi13479.5135 BB$

Day 2 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
shisho79.5315 BB$
drorp76.8125 BB$
silam16876.3235 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Robot Survivor Winners

3-Day Mini Survivor

Overall Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
loekkeraue71.34110 BB$
nahlowalia69.1425 BB$
ciaran68.5635 BB$
tomdad197367.8945 BB$
orias67.5655 BB$
emo5867.4265 BB$
dprawdzik67.3775 BB$
incus67.3385 BB$
rvg66.9895 BB$
svampen66.89105 BB$

Day 1 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
mpema0782.1915 BB$
vicky88878.5125 BB$
loekkerau78.3535 BB$

Day 2 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
ATMMH76.8715 BB$
Luffy8475.5425 BB$
Stormcard74.5535 BB$

Day 3 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
loekkeraue75.7815 BB$
HyulpyGuy74.3425 BB$
dprawdzik73.9535 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the 3-Day Mini Survivor Winners

Stars and Platinum Robot Individual

Overall Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
sieong61.831100 BB$
Jordymc60.98250 BB$
lakers160.9325 BB$
M_L60.84410 BB$
bart_rx760.65510 BB$
fs2960.5610 BB$
al_terego59.73710 BB$
fhacker59.58810 BB$
zhenya__S59.14910 BB$
grypho58.981010 BB$

Day 1 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
ataylor66.47110 BB$
strei166.47110 BB$
sieong66.42310 BB$

Day 2 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
gtatar69.55110 BB$
grypho64.97210 BB$
veronel64.59310 BB$

Day 3 Winners

Score (%)RankPrize
Jordymc67.01110 BB$
Trevrguy66.47210 BB$
M_L65.54310 BB$

Click here to see all the results for the Stars and Platinum Robot Individual Winners

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