Dear BBOers, have a go at trying to solve this bridge problem. Your overall score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you've complete the exercise. Good luck!
This article was written by Larry Cohen and was originally published in Bridgerama+.
yes, on #1 if E waits until the last club to pitch a spade, having 3 spades 2 hearts and 1 club, it does not make
I'd like the complete auction on hand 2 to have more info on how to play hearts.
In the 3rd question you take 9 tricks without even messing with diamonds.
If you cash K of clubs and play low to the A, you’ll have seen the T-9 fall, so you just finesse back the 8.
If east covers with the 9 you take with Q and 7 of clubs is your 9th trick, if east ducks the 8 of clubs you finesse it, either way you’d make 9 without touching diamonds
Probably needed better proof reading. If you ruff and draw trumps then play 4 more rounds of trumps on the first board, Dummy is squeezed on the last trump. The solution suggests a seven card endgame, which is consistent with ruffing, drawing trumps and then playing 3 more rounds.
Thx for the great quiz…3/3! Yep score thingy was broken
I was also scored 0/3 despite getting #s 2 and 3 right. Why?
Same here. I got all three right and it scored me as 0/3
I'm no L. Cohen, but I did get #3 right...although he scored me 0/3. Tough teacher... 🙂