Bridge Terminology Quiz - Level 1

Dear BBOers, have a go at trying to solve these bridge definitions. Your score will be displayed, along with the correct answers once you've complete the exercise. Good luck! 

Bridge terminology exercice - level 1

Bridge terminology exercice - level 1

What is the term used to describe a group of playing cards; Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs...?

Correct Answer:

a) The correct answer is Suit.

  • The Major suits are Spades (♠) and Hearts ().
  • The Trump cards are whichever suit won the bidding.

What do you call the player who doesn't pass and makes the first bid?

Correct Answer:

b) The correct answer is: Opener.

  • Dummy : the partner of the declarer. Dummy's cards are placed face up on the table and played by the declarer. The dummy doesn't participate in the play of the hand.
  • Captain : a team leader or a person who represents the team.

A set of four cards that have thrown by each player in one round.

Is it called...?

Correct Answer:

b) The correct answer is: Trick.

  • A deal : the distribution of 52 cards.
  • Four : the number.

Someone who leads a bridge competition. “He is who enforces the rules, assigns penalties for violations, and oversees the progress of the game. He may also be responsible for the final scoring.

Is it called...?

Correct Answer:

c) The correct answer is: (Tournament) Director.

  • Bridge) dealer : the person who deals the cards.
  • Coach : an instructor or trainer, a person who give lessons about the game to a team.

A set of cards used to play in one game.

Is it called...?

Correct Answer:

c) The correct answer is: board.

  • Hand : The 13 cards held by one player on a deal.
  • Table : The place where bridge players play.

The process carried out to determine who becomes a contract maker.

Is it called...?

Correct Answer:

a) The correct answer is: bidding. We also call it auction.

  • Declaring : the player who, for their side, first bid the denomination named in the contract becomes the "declarer."
  • Defending : it's the opposite of declaring.

Ace, King, Queen, Jack are called...

Correct Answer:

a) The correct answer is : Honors.

  • GP (Game Points) : does not exist.
  • BB$: the money used within BBO.

A call indicating that the player does not wish to bid a contract, double or redouble.

Is it called...?

Correct Answer:

a) The correct answer is : Pass.

Next and no aren't used in bridge.

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