Your year on BBO

Thank you for helping make the BBO bridge community so strong. You’re the most important piece of the BBO bridge playing puzzle. For that we salute and thank you. You’re the reason we’re not just another bridge app.

You’re one of over 850 thousand players who logged in to play in 2021. Together you’ve challenged others to play over 33 million boards; 11 million boards with star players, 10 million with your friends, and 9 million with a robot. Robots are popular, but you're still keener to play bridge with each other.

Together you played over 100 million competitive boards and 115 million casual boards. You’ve also played over 11 million free tables in total.

If you’ve ever tried the anonymous solitaire games on our website, you’ll be intrigued to know that some 726 million boards have been played there, so far in 2021!

Given your dedication and loyalty, we’re determined to make BBO as good as it can be for you. We love bridge and hopefully our passion for the game is clear for you to see. We’re committed to continually improve your online bridge experience.

Here’s wishing you a happy new year and all the best for the holiday season and beyond.

The BBO Team

121 comments on “Your year on BBO”

  1. With you I have to agree all these advanced people what is that intimidation I guess because half of them aren’t way to go expressing yourself

  2. Thanks of BBO I passed the last months more agreeable and enjoyable. I could play bridge very relaxed. All the best for you.

  3. anonymous
    bravo ...merci à BBO de m'avoir permis, grâce au jeu, d'avoir brisé ma solitude ...!
    bonne année 2022 et bon vent à BBO !!! L....

  4. Merci BBO de nous avoir donné la possibilité de faire ces tournois toujours agréables avec des partenaires réguliers très sympathiques. Ce jeu de bridge m'a permis de passer ces deux années de pandémie agréablement grâce à BBO

  5. Thank you BBO for the opportunity to play with friends, some in other States, and new players from all over the world. You have been a God Send during the last 19 months!!

  6. Merci à bbo qui nous donne la possibilité de faire connaissance de bons joueurs en ces temps difficiles et délicats, on passera sous silence les quelques joueurs au très mauvais caractère et sans éducation bonnes fêtes à toute l équipe

  7. hello, Merci BBO j'adore jouer sur votre site; Grâce à vos tournois je progresse, et si je joue à une table , je rencontre souvent les memes personnes qui sont devenues des partenaires de jeu ou des relations amicaux,
    Je vous remercie , je vous souhaites a tous Bonnes Fêtes

  8. Happy Christmas to all at BBO. Delighted to be able play bridge all through these weird times- thanks and keep going!

  9. Love BBO - just wish there won't so many who called themselves "Advanced" or worse "World Expert" when they are average players. I find some people so rude, but on the whole most are pleasant. A partner once said: You are worse that the faeces (my word, not theirs) on the market place floor - and I had done NOTHING wrong!

  10. You have saved me from committing murder / suicide as I am stuck at home looking after husband with dementia and no external contact .

  11. Le bridge est ma passion BBO contribue largement à l'assouvir et ce depuis de nombreuses années, merci BBO je m'ennuie jamais grâce à votre site.. Happy NEW YEARS!!
    et.. longue vie à BBO.!H


  13. Thank you for your lovely message, it was very heartwarming and I am grateful to you. It is a privilege to be able to play Bridge online especially in these times. A big Thank-You to all the Staff at BBO from the bottom of my heart.

  14. Reading all these messages of good will makes you realise what a truly magnificent job BBO has done in bringing relief and happiness to so many people. A Queens award would be a fitting tribute.
    Thank you BBO, keep up the good work.


  15. Zdzisław : dobrze by było, gdyby można było wrócić do niektórych graczy, z którymi przypadkowy los zetknął w grze w brydża BBO.

  16. What would have to be done if we hadn´t BBO? Someone would have to invent it.
    Thanks for making our hobby much more pleasant in these "unpersonal" times.

  17. BBO definitely was a gift during Covid. Could not have survived without it. Still play once a week - I live in Texas and partner lives in New York. Thank you BBO!

  18. Thanks for getting me through 2021. Learned a lot of bridge, and kept me connected with friends. Hope 2022 will bring us all back together both in person and online! Cheers!

  19. BBO was a highlight for so many of us during 2021. I had never even heard of it before. Now I prefer it to bridge in person. Thanks to all who worked hard to make it available to so many. Please stay healthy and keep playing bridge !! U

  20. I'm immensely indebted to BBO, for helping me enjoy my time at home during the horribly tragic days of the pandemic.

  21. Yes, re. diversion during the pandemic. Yes, re. “forcing” us to improve our play/update our conventions and presenting “conversations” on tougher hands with our partners in resulting post-mortems. Yes, re. the plethora of options available on BBO…but also a big shout-out for helping Bridge Clubs around the world to remain in touch/survive! Many whatsapp groups kept friendships and personal Bridge Clubs in touch. Anyone I know who loves Bridge is now on BBO — what’s not to love?

  22. I love BBO and have been with BBO for 18 years. Would never dream of leaving BBO. Thank you and Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Nw Year 2022

  23. Thank you BBO for helping me keep in touch, for helping me meet new friends, an$ for helping me reconnect with old friends.

  24. Thank you BBO for being there for us. I enjoy playing Bridge at your site and helped me a lot to overcome last year pandemia . I have also made friends and met wonderful people. I wish you Happy Holidays and pray for an awsome New Year, Best wishes to all .

  25. BBO has become part of my day. Thank you and all the other players who has become part of the entertainment by playing. Merry Christmas to all.

  26. Thanks BBO is a wonderful being part of this amazing year with you guys! I been enjoyed so much play the game that I love with other people and even robots again thanks
    Happy Holidays for everyone that makes BBO and excellent online bridge

  27. Plase,please ,please carry on with Bridge on line. Love it better than face to face bridge. Now if you will point me in the direction of partner 🙂

  28. Well done. All comments are so good. thanks a million. thoroughly enjoyed playing with partners around the world. Wonderful site. Good wishes to all.

  29. 50 years after graduating from college, thanks to BBO five of us alumni resurrected our Tuesday afternoon Bridge club. We have met twice in person, and eachTuesday during the pandemic online via BBO. We simultaneously chat via Zoom.

  30. Thanks a million for making the LOCKDOWNS bearable and helping keeping the brain working. Wishing you all a wonderful 2022 ...thank you


  32. BBO ... thanks for being here for the whole wide world of bridge lovers! Love BBO. Thanks and Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and a healthy and happy New Year. Best, Agnes.

  33. Thankyou BBO. I was ' lost' bridgewise when I started on BBO as I had learnt the Acol system.Then I found the BIL (Beginner Intermediate Lounge) room on BBO. That is the best introduction to BBO that anyone can have. Since then BBO has changed my life. A huge thankyou to all staff and players for the pleasure you give.

  34. Thank you for having games on BBO . It kept our sanity especially during the beginning of Covid-19. Sometimes I play casual and have met some exceptional players from Turkey, Israel, Italy, etc. even with a Robot. Love the game. Nothing like it. Been playing since I was 21. I will play till I expire!!
    Hugs to you all. The very best, Peace, Health and Love in 2022.


  35. Kept me sane during ‘ lockdown ‘ Always something to look forward to. Roll on 2022. Have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy , happy New Year to you all

  36. I love it when I join a game and find I am playing with people from around the world...what a way to be connected!!

  37. BBO has been wonderful for us during the pandemic and we continue to enjoy playing online. A very happy healthy New Year

  38. marry Christmas tp all
    I see playing bridge with you as a happy, calm time where I can please myself and then go on doing my work outside.
    So thank you

  39. I think everyone has said it all but I echo the sentiments. What a terrific site to keep us from boredom during these irritating restrictions. Keep up the good work. Wishing you all good health and peace in 2022.

  40. Bbo made life better - especially during Covid 19 pandemic. We could enjoy playing & didn't miss face to face play. Thank you bbo team. You have done a wonderful job. Salute to you.

  41. BBO, thank you for the great job you did over 2021. Happy Holiday with good health and joy for 2022 to all members and staff.

  42. BBO is the best thing I have ever come across. It has been amazing . Kept me very happy all through lock down. I love it.
    Thank you BBO

  43. Merry Christmas!! Thanks for getting us through a difficult year!!! Hoping 2022 will be better. Keep up the good work

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