22 Jumpstart - New Year Bridge Festival (January 1-3)

How about some fun to jumpstart 2022? Let's get together for BBO 22 Jumpstart!

From January 1st to January 3rd BBO is hosting another massive bridge festival to celebrate the new year. 2021 has been another tough one for many, so here's hoping 2022 will see things improving. The least we can do together is get the year off to the right kind of start.

Over the three days of '22 Jumpstart' there'll be games for all levels: open, royals & masters, prime, and "geo" challenges ! Whatever the mood takes you, we've got it covered. There's no better way to start the year, than with friends on BBO!

Check out the schedule below and be sure to earmark January 1-3 for a new year bridge bonanza!

14 comments on “22 Jumpstart - New Year Bridge Festival (January 1-3)”

  1. Thanks for all the tourneys. Unfortunately, any 9s get left out of both the newcomer and royal and master tourneys.

  2. I would like to play from Jan.1 to Jan3 & enjoy it. Wait to see the schedule
    have not played before so look forward to

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