Diana & Friends: the Postmortem

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142 comments on “Diana & Friends: the Postmortem”

  1. Great to have these regular tournaments with your advanced robots. Thank you Diana! I would be excited to help improve very much the bidding of those robots: AI deserves much better! My robots do so much better than even the BBO advanced ones.

  2. Multsumesk Diana! First time I have such a bad score, without noticing flaws from my part 🙂

  3. Board 3 Why did the Robot open 1 NT when it had 5 hearts. I was instructed that a 5 card major takes president over 1NT. Have I been given the wrong information? PS enjoys these games

    1. The main issue here is that if you open 1H with 15-17 HCP, you have no suitable rebid to show your point-count. This is so because in most bidding systems 1major - 1NT - 2NT shows about 18 HCP inviting game. Advanced partnerships solve this dilemma by always opening balanced hands 1NT with 15-17 and using Styaman and Checkback. Hope this helps.

  4. This was my first time playing bridge in about six months, so it felt a little like being thrown in the deep end of the pool. 🙂 I had a lot of trouble with the hand where I had 8 hearts and 5 diamonds -- partner kept bidding clubs and I couldn't pull him away to hearts. But I scored around average on the other hands, so I'm at least happy about that.

  5. Thank you Diana- I will analyze these with my new mentees. I'd like to do one of these at Imps someday too.

  6. OK, nice to be able to compare, Agains bathurst i'd have 4 washes and a few minor imps picked up.

    BUT, the issue I have with this is I played the hands matchpoints, he played IMPS, it might be the reason I picked up more overtricks. If you want real comparison you'd have to play imps too. Or select a matchpoint tournament the top player had.

  7. Thank you Diana. Shows how much difference there is between the creativity and situational logic of world class players and the simple following of rules by robots and beginning or intermediate players. Very instructive and fun,

  8. Thanks for inviting me! I really appreciated the tournament. If ever you need anything, feel free to reach out.

  9. Very interesting to see how experienced players exploit gib's shortcomings in bidding (eg., bd-1 of today's result 15.06.23).

  10. Every time you play these challenges you test your acknowledgements and skills . But in an interactive and very fun way . Congratulation DIANA !

  11. Lots of fun. After the first three I thought it was a beer card collection that I messed up. Then I realised I just messed up...

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