Video: Counting Is Hard

Play this week’s Free Instant Tournament then see how you compare to multiple Australian National Champion and representative Peter Hollands.

Counting is so important in bridge but so hard to do right!

2 comments on “Video: Counting Is Hard”

  1. On hand 3: it's a genuine squeeze if West led from AQ hearts and 4 diamonds. That's what I went for, in my experience both bots always keep the same suit stopped if the squeeze is not there. So you'll get the extra trick anyway. Worth rembering...

    Hand 4: Like the other player going down only 1, Heart lead ducked, diamond ducked and diamond continued by W, for one down, I tried this too, but my West switched to club 8. Am I less friendly to them? I got -4 too...

    What is puzzling to me though, you've played this against others than I did, you must have had different counts of the various results of the other players, and therefore different percentages. However where we had the same results we had the exact same percentage. That does look quite implausible to me...

    1. The robots do wierd things due to their programming that are hard to fathom sometimes.

      On the 4C hand if you rebid 3C and raise the robot's 4C to 5C holding Kx in trump, and with it's partner having bid, it assumes you have a bordline 5C that will likely go 1 off and makes a typical robot passive low heart lead (since you haven't bid them). You can win, draw trumps and have an easy make for a top..

      On the hand where Peter openned 1NT light with AKJx i opened 1D and played it from the other side. The robot won't switch to a D through the AKJx to their partner's Queen, but played from the otherside will panic and under lead their Queen into the AKJx giving you tempo and overtricks.

      I have had another one where robot cashes or doesn't cash a setting trick, do to some apparently trivial bidding variation.

      As for the scoring comparisons, they are generated by takling random results from when these hands were played in real tournaments. So each player gets a different set.

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