Bridge International Championship 2nd Edition - Results are in!

Special congratulations go to the players on the BIC podium! Phil Markey (stiffqueen) from Australia, won gold with 64,14%, Samuel Ieong (sieong) of the United States won silver with 63,96% and Silviu Iovescu (usla) from Romania, won bronze with 63,92%.

BBO BIC 2nd Edition Leaderboard

Click here for the full BIC overall leaderboard or hit the button below (or scroll down) to see a the list of prize winners.

BBO BIC 2nd Edition Country Winners

5 countries had more than 10 players in the BIC finals and get to crown their own BIC country champion. Those playing from countries with fewer than 10 players played for the Rest of the World title. Click the buttons below, or scroll down, to see the best players by country.

BBO BIC 2nd Edition Prize Winners

Congratulations BBO BIC International Champion, stiffqueen! Congratulations also go to sieong who finished in second and usla in third.

The top 150 players won prizes and they're listed below. You can see the full BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1stiffqueenRest of World250 BB$ + 6 months subscription to BBO Prime64.14
2sieongUnited States150 BB$ + 6 months BBO Prime63.96
3uslaRest of World80 BB$ + 6 months BBO Prime63.92
4zaXXonRest of World10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime62.6
5run4itUnited States10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime61.72
6yuval10Rest of World10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime61.7
7jcortinaUnited States10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime61.62
8tugbarsbTurkey10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime61.56
9SHARK65Rest of World10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime61.32
10guggenRest of World10 BB$ + 1 months BBO Prime61.27
11AKQTxxxUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime61.17
12calyesilTurkey5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.99
13pkj112Rest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.82
14yardwolfUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.63
15Mind42Rest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.61
16herbie22United States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.39
17zeke46United States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.22
18PikarekRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.2
19gdum111Rest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.14
20sammarksUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime60.11
21SalokinRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.99
22RBGUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.8
23gezaRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.78
24val44Canada5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.59
25plucianRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.54
26mrlyonkingUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.54
27umbriel2Rest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.34
28PSMartinUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.34
29zhenya__SUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.32
30fikoooRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.3
31NostrijsRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.27
32shawshankTurkey5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.14
33luffy84Rest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59.1
34kolesnikUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime59
35acesofRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.96
36MelbyRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.95
37canelasRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.89
38danraiUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.84
39jardaholyRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.42
40dizzyllamaCanada5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.39
41fuzzyquackRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.3
42mrianRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.22
43ntapasRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.11
44capycinoTurkey5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.03
45TIGER BAITUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime58.01
46rustam51Indonesia5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.71
47joginsbergUnited States5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.68
48santafeRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.52
49bvdahlRest of World5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.52
50kfungCanada5 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.44
51Sk1958Canada3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.39
52daniel1123United States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.38
53toufuCanada3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.32
54ZoriDeZiRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.2
55lenv1United States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.18
56gyurciburcRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.16
57badeshUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.12
58edwardk31Canada3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime57.01
59everyRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.97
60DithererRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.84
61wcneumannUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.76
62Miao_ZRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.72
63brown99Rest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.72
64fs29United States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.7
65niklaskRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.63
66moysianUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.63
67bert_poliiIndonesia3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.62
68gab7ntUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.57
69paul1966United States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.55
70bindhuaUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.54
71dstukalovUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.5
72gvarvRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.46
73alanbrazgRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.35
74PezimaciRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.34
75rishabhUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.3
76sartreUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.29
77adamebaRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.29
78redubl1United States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.27
79miguelmRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.22
80eszgeRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.14
81andjoyRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.13
821hilikRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.1
83AndrebboUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.08
84danbfinnUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.08
85nflstarUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime56.04
86sonoRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.94
87cngzTurkey3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.91
88itsurabayaIndonesia3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.78
89rmg1994United States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.67
90shoonrahUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.61
91BUTCHLIVUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.59
9200jogjaIndonesia3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.56
931_3Rest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.55
947MGMUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.47
95TiidukeRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.38
96sony_polRest of World3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.36
97CorpLawUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.33
98zzmiyUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.28
99strei1United States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.28
100SriNTUnited States3 BB$ + 1 month BBO Prime55.23
101mjbridgeUnited States1 BB$55.2
102mukund007United States1 BB$55.04
103veronelRest of World1 BB$55.02
104Vicky82Rest of World1 BB$54.96
105alutibiUnited States1 BB$54.84
106agv12Rest of World1 BB$54.78
107hottodstlUnited States1 BB$54.75
108dubrussIreland1 BB$54.74
109xh2072Rest of World1 BB$54.73
110CiaranIreland1 BB$54.72
111Super1963Rest of World1 BB$54.7
112ArtK78United States1 BB$54.7
113Baby14Rest of World1 BB$54.66
114mustjaakRest of World1 BB$54.64
115miamijdUnited States1 BB$54.64
116SigisCanada1 BB$54.6
117GabrialsewIndonesia1 BB$54.59
118ryskon10Rest of World1 BB$54.49
119bbiermannUnited States1 BB$54.46
120wordbenderRest of World1 BB$54.45
121reomanUnited States1 BB$54.34
122begseTurkey1 BB$54.29
123BurmaRest of World1 BB$54.27
124kelanIreland1 BB$54.2
125bps20098Indonesia1 BB$54.18
126shireysaUnited States1 BB$54.18
127hanoi5Rest of World1 BB$54.1
128fhwallisUnited States1 BB$54.08
129Sandy HHKUnited States1 BB$54.07
130dofidRest of World1 BB$54.04
131JerseyPaulUnited States1 BB$54
132yoshuaIndonesia1 BB$53.92
133beto_7Indonesia1 BB$53.9
134katewootRest of World1 BB$53.9
135kamil 26Rest of World1 BB$53.88
136JuMaBuRest of World1 BB$53.86
137superremikRest of World1 BB$53.73
138gonzguridiRest of World1 BB$53.6
139JOSEPH23TRest of World1 BB$53.6
140jrl1010United States1 BB$53.55
141agoodman1United States1 BB$53.54
142soccertooUnited States1 BB$53.52
143nitisiRest of World1 BB$53.51
144batmanbradUnited States1 BB$53.49
145Ronald21Rest of World1 BB$53.44
146debkingUnited States1 BB$53.42
147hanse71Rest of World1 BB$53.38
148emceeUnited States1 BB$53.38
149QingdomCanada1 BB$53.32
150aconternoRest of World1 BB$53.31

Rest of the World

Congratulations to stiffqueen who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion Rest of the World 2021. Congratulations also go to usla who finished in second and zaXXon third. You can see the full Rest of the World BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerRepresentingPrizeTotal score
1stiffqueenRest of World50 BB$ + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime64.14
2uslaRest of World40 BB$ + 3 months BBO Prime63.92
3zaXXonRest of World30 BB$ + 3 months BBO Prime62.60


Congratulations to val44 who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion Canada 2021. Congratulations also go to dizzyllama who finished in second and kfung third. You can see the full Canadian BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1val44Canada50 BB$ + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime59.59
2dizzyllamaCanada40 BB$ + 3 months BBO Prime58.39
3kfungCanada30 BB$ + 3 months BBO Prime57.44


Congratulations to rustam51 who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion Indonesia 2021. Congratulations also go to bert_polii who finished in second and itsurabaya third. You can see the full Indonesian BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1rustam51Indonesia50 BB$ + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime57.71
2bert_poliiIndonesia40 BB$ + 3 months BBO Prime56.62
3itsurabayaIndonesia30 BB$ + 3 months BBO Prime55.78


Congratulations to dubruss who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion Ireland 2021. Congratulations also go to Ciaran who finished in second and kelan third. You can see the full Irish BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1dubrussIreland50 BB$ + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime54.74
2CiaranIreland40 BB$ + 3 months BBO Prime54.72
3kelanIreland30 BB$ + 3 months BBO Prime54.20


Congratulations to tugbarsb who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion Turkey 2021. Congratulations also go to calyesil who finished in second and shawshank third. You can see the full Turkish BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1tugbarsbTurkey50 BB$ + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime61.56
2calyesilTurkey40 BB$ + 3 months BBO Prime60.99
3shawshankTurkey30 BB$ + 3 months BBO Prime59.14

United States

Congratulations to sieong who wins the title of BBO BIC Champion United States 2021. Congratulations also go to run4it who finished in second and jcortina third. You can see the full United States BIC Finals Leaderboard here

RankPlayerCountryPrizeTotal score
1sieongUnited States50 BB$ + 3 months subscription to BBO Prime63.96
2run4itUnited States40 BB$ + 3 months BBO Prime61.72
3jcortinaUnited States30 BB$ + 3 months BBO Prime61.62

2 comments on “Bridge International Championship 2nd Edition - Results are in!”

  1. I find it ammusing that in the 1st BIC event, i've finished somewhere in the 20's overall if i recall correctly, yet still was able to collected some 55 BB$
    (net gain of 43$) because my country send more than 10 players to the finals, however this year i've finished 6th overall just to lose 2 BB$ overall because i got punished by the fact that my country didn't send 10 players to the finals and i had to comepte against the "rest of the world". I think it's something BBO must consider.

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