About the BIC Qualifier Tournaments

The 2nd Edition of BBO’s Bridge International Championship (BIC 2) takes place place across several bridge platforms, in partnership with the World Bridge Federation, from March 29 until April 4, 2021.

Ranked players will be awarded both WBF and BBO points.

BIC Qualifiers: 29 March through to April 1st (Monday to Thursday)

Monday to Thursday will feature the BIC Qualifiers – individual tournaments with robots, daylong style. There’ll be 10 BIC tournaments (12 boards, not best hand) to choose from every day. Your top five scores will count towards your ranking. Finish with an average score of 56% or higher at the close of play on Thursday and you’ll progress to the BIC Finals.

Friday will be a rest day, giving you a breather before the finals, which take place on Saturday and Sunday.

Qualifiers checklist

  • You must play at least 5 tournaments to get on the leaderboard
  • You can play more to improve your score
  • Your score will be calculated using your 5 best performances
  • There are 10 qualifier tournaments available every day from Monday to Thursday
  • Each tournament costs 3 BB$.

Your IP address will determine which country you represent. If your country doesn’t have at least 10 players, you’ll represent the “Rest of World”.

BIC Qualifier Tournament features

  • This is an individual tournament. All tables consist of a single human player, sitting South, with three robot players sitting in the other three seats. 
  • All tournaments last 24 hours: they start at midnight US Central time on Friday towards Saturday night and end at midnight US Central on Sunday towards Monday night. You can register, play at your own pace, leave the table, then resume the game any time, as long as you complete your boards before the tourney ends.
  • This tourney utilises Human Declares: The human player declares for his robot partner when their side wins the contract.
  • This tournament is not best-hand.
  • Deal Pool will also be used: Not everyone will be dealt the same boards.

Results will be sent to your BBO Mailbox the next day, after the tournament ends. You can also see a provisional leaderboard at any time in the list of Completed Tournaments, in Competitive All tournaments, after you have finished playing.

About the robots
The robots play a relatively simple and natural bidding system. During play, you can find out the meaning of any bid by clicking on that bid in the bidding diagram. When it's your turn to bid, moving your mouse over the bid buttons will display an explanation of the bid you are considering (as your robot partner will understand it). These explanations can be somewhat cryptic, but reading them carefully before you bid will help you to avoid misunderstandings with your robot partner.

You can find out more about the robot's bidding system by clicking here

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