Sunday: Morse Code Day Tournament with .- ..- .-. --- .-. .-

This Sunday, January 10, you are invited to join us for a another free, fun tournament hosted by .- ..- .-. — .-. .-.

Were you a Morse code fan when you were a kid? Did you send flashlight signals to the aliens at night? Or maybe you got to use it for serious business. By the way, don’t tap in Morse code (or any code) at the bridge table.

How to Celebrate?

  • Learn Morse code.
  • Of course, learn how to spell your name in Morse code.
  • Join us this Sunday for the Morse Code Tournament

Sunday, January 10, at 2PM US Eastern Time (8PM Central European Time).

Click COMPETITIVE, then Free Tournaments and search for the Morse Code Tournament, or for yellow host Aurora.

Who can play?
All BBOers are welcome.

6 comments on “Sunday: Morse Code Day Tournament with .- ..- .-. --- .-. .-”

  1. I learned morse code as a teenager for my amateur radio license...still remember the code but I am pretty slow these days....ve3av/va2lgq

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