Sparkling Swiss Teams every day!

BBO's Sparkling new Swiss Teams Tournaments run every day, at 11AM, 3PM and 7PM US Eastern Time.

18 boards, 3 rounds of 6 boards, VP 20. Grab your friends, register your team or let BBO match you with another pair when the game starts. Join the fun and add a little spice to your bridge life.

How to find the games?

Click Competitive ► All Tournaments (or Virtual Clubs ► BBO World) and search for “Sparkling Swiss Teams”.

Entry is free and the games are open to all. The only requirement is to be nice to your fellow players and to the dedicated tournament directors.

Click here to read more about our exciting new teams tournaments format.

19 comments on “Sparkling Swiss Teams every day!”

  1. I, Manjeet (Karibu44. - user's name) have not been able to join Sparkling Swiss Teams. I have been not able to log in. There seems to be some trouble with my User's name and password. Could you pease help me to sort this out.
    Thank you

  2. We are trying to self promote a Sunday 7pm game to make sure at least one game goes. There will be a fair number of Southern California tables this Sunday April 17 at 7pm.

    1. They will be, we';re working with the ACBL to finish integration w acbl live / acbl score so they can work with acbl virtual clubs.

      1. They are still taking place, but they run only at 11AM, 1PM, 3PM, 5PM, 7PM US Eastern Time. If you checked somewhere outside this schedule then they wouldnt show.

  3. Some virtual clubs already have this possibility, it usually depends on their federation, whether it can integrate the results or not, whether they have special requirements for computing the masterpoints, this sort of thing. ACBL still working on the integration, but other countries have been running them since they were launched (mid-November or so).

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