Winners of NABC Practice Tournament #1, November 7 – 8

This weekend, November 7 and 8, ACBL BBOers were invited to play a free 2-day NABC Robot Practice Tournament to get a feel for the upcoming ACBL NABC Robot Individual (November 21-23) 

Congratulations to toufu, who won the first Practice Tournament out of a field of 3385 players. Scroll down to see a complete list of winners.

If you didn't get a chance to play or want to get in some more practice, we're putting on NABC Robot Practice Tournament #2 this coming weekend - November 14 and 15. Keep an eye on the Newsfeed for details, or sign up for NABC updates below and we’ll send you tournament details by email.

The actual NABC Robot Individual takes place over three days from Saturday November 21 through to Monday November 23. Don’t be intimidated, give it a go. OK, some players score over 70%, but you just need one decent session to win some red/gold points. Find out all the tournament details here

NABC Robot Practice Results

Day 1 Practice tournament 1 - full results available here

Rank PlayerScorePrize
1fachiru78.65Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
2Leo LaSota78.48Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
3antont77.81Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual

Day 2 Practice Tournament 1 - full results available here

Rank PlayerScorePrize
1toufu82.80Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
2stop180.63Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
3herbie2275.88Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual

Overall Results Practice Tournament 1 - full results available here

Rank PlayerScorePrize
1toufu76.29Already won
2stevemonk74.16Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
3stop173.96Already won
4fachiru71.12Already won
5card_count70.85Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
6lc chen70.78Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
8msofearl270.24Free entry ACBL NABC Robot Individual
3 comments on “Winners of NABC Practice Tournament #1, November 7 – 8”

  1. Please list the members who will get their entry for the upcoming NABC Robot Individual covered/refunded by ACBL. Currently, you only list the top 5 overalls. Since 3 of the top 5 overalls finished 1st, 2nd, or 3rd on Saturday or Sunday, they already have their entry fee awarded.

    1. You have to be a member of the ACBL and have your member number attached to your BBO profile to participate in these tournaments.
      This practice session was under ACBL World, and you could have found it by looking for NABC or Practice in the list or tournament names. If you didn't play Saturday, you could not play Sunday. Since each of the two sessions ran for a full day, you could find them listed under the "start time" column as "running" (at least on Saturday, and if you played Saturday on Sunday as well).

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